Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 14, 2016
Woman: See you in December! Brad: TJ!! you were amazing!! you got us our beautiful wedding-under budget! TJ: It's what a good bm does. Brad: I'm proud to have you as my best man. and for once, I'm glad you're a smooth talking pain in the neck. TJ: Thanks. TJ: So listen, I can offer you kafe kablooie's katering service for an unbelievable price!! Brad: Ow. My neck.
Flash Gordon over 8 years ago
Kafe Kablooie Katering? KKK? Really?TJ, rethink that, then go away forever.
Namrepus over 8 years ago
TJ, please don’t ever call yourself a BM again.
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
there’s always that one little missed, unattached string
JayBluE over 8 years ago
….Aaaand….there it is!… – Did TJ help Brad to get the details down under budget? Sure!…. – Did TJ do something because it seemed to be a need from his roomate? Eh….maybe… – Or…was it so that TJ could just happen to “coincidentally” pitch his own services, “conveniently” allowing Brad the room to be able to “hook him up” with business (and cash flow)?….Hmmm??!!!…
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Congrats to argy bargy 2 who was the one who called today’s hook around noon yesterday.
JayBluE over 8 years ago
“Giving Him The Business”“Opportunity Costs”“Save Room For A Sweet Deal”“Getcha Self A Slice!”“A Last Minute Bid”“…Something Borrowed, Something Kablooie”“Fireworks Included”“Necks To Nothing”“The Pain Truth”“See You….In December…” (♪)“For Love, Or Money?”“Sweet Talk Is Cheap, But The Price Ain’t”“A Slick On The Trip Down The Aisle”or…“Having A Little Trouble With My BM”
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
Like TJ, a good BM always stinks up the room…
JR0602 over 8 years ago
Weddings … just went through one a year and a day ago. Plan, plan, plan and it’s over in a day! Good memories though. Maybe that’s what will happen in December.
Mikeyj over 8 years ago
Pain in the neck? I think it’s lower than THAT.
luann1212 over 8 years ago
You guys are so silly. TJ has been a loyal friend, and Brad has also always been a loyal friend back. Someone posted some really old panels showing how the DeGroots first felt about TJ. He has been a work in progress along the way, and he is a person who has a less than conventional way of doing things. But slowly over the glacially slow years in Luannverse he has become a better person, and those skills of his he is using for better things. He has some questionable motives, but he is not developing into a sociopath, rather he is has empathy, care, and is a skilled negotiator. All these jokes about BM are puerile actually, he is a BEST MAN, and that means everything. One becomes a good best man through friendship, commitment, and by deserving it. TJ deserves it. In real life many guys would wish their best man would be that good. Besides, again must I remind, Brad cares about him, is a best friend, which means you accept that person with all their worts, and wrinkles, I mean if you want an unreconstructed sleeze to joke about, and tsk tsk about in Luannverse you have Leslie. Give TJ a break, at least I think everyone should.
Mikeyj over 8 years ago
Greg forgot to draw part of Tony Juan’s right arm, making it look as if TJ and Brad, are holding hands!! XD hahaha
imagenesis over 8 years ago
And there’s the catch folks! That’s why I no longer have “conditional friends!”
jeff_e over 8 years ago
What I really want to know is whether they got the bunting on the arbor switched to blue and white.
dadoctah over 8 years ago
“Smooth-talking pain in the neck” is a good description of TJ’s superpower. What Brad’s thankful for is that he’s genuinely begun to learn to use that power for good instead of evil.
Skylark over 8 years ago
KKK? Huh? I really wish he’d call it something else…considering…I’m just puzzled, but some may get downright offended..ya’ think? I know…to each his own…don’t judge…yadda yadda..
luann1212 over 8 years ago
My heart is and will be just fine thank you.
luann1212 over 8 years ago
Being humorous like a 3rd grader is my comment,. Trust me bro the very last thing I am is prudish.
Tommy2Tone Premium Member over 8 years ago
TJ’s right. Nothing like starting the day with a good BM.
jrankin1959 over 8 years ago
Aaaaaaaand, the other shoe drops…
Wesley_B over 8 years ago
I immediately saw the Triple letter connection. Ouch. Greg needs to rethink that.
I thought that was reserved for the other side in Politics. :)
caddymarie over 8 years ago
I don’t think it’s a big deal that he offer his services for the wedding. If Brad has done any research on the wedding he should know whether or not TJ is taking advantage of him on the price. All Brad has to do is accept or deny the offer.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 8 years ago
And Once Again Brad, PREDICTABLY, GLEEFULLY, Goes along with Old Smiley’s (GAG) ‘Plan.’
Brad DeGroot? YOU Sir, Have Truly SOLD Your SOUL to the DEVIL……,
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 8 years ago
A good BM would do wonders for the KKK.If anything remained….
Rotary12 Premium Member over 8 years ago
A good “BM”, that fixes a lot of things.
BJShipley1 over 8 years ago
Not a day passes without an opportunity to do something illegal, immoral, unethical.
Yeah, that’s true. But those chances haven’t actually been portrayed within the strip itself. Besides, just because a thief passes up a chance to steal a candy bar from the convenience store doesn’t make him not a thief anymore.
Naw, she’s sweeter than ever. You just don’t appreciate her.
Once again, any child can be sweet as long as they’re getting their way. How has Shannon’s handling of not getting her way improved since her “brat” days? Because character is shown by how you handle the bad days, not the good ones.
No sweat. He may never convince you.
I’ve already said what it will take to convince me: either turn down an opportunity to take the easy way out, or make amends for past wrongdoing. Hell, I’d settle for him accepting full responsibility for a screw-up.I don’t think my conditions are too harsh. It’s what normal people do every single day. If TJ can’t do any of those, I think it’s more of a statement about him than it is about me. Is it really that hard to not push the blame onto other people? It’s not like I’m asking him to cure cancer or something.
A person doesn’t get a pass on their misdeeds just because enough time has passed. Statute of Limitations is a legal principle, not a moral one. If TJ is meant to be seen as an upright character now, he should actually do something to atone for his past nature. Because judging by today’s strip, he hasn’t actually changed, merely “used his powers for good” for the moment.
Some folks just can’t see the good in others.
Oh, I can see the good. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to forget or ignore the bad.
Endunamoo over 8 years ago
boy seriously bad acronyms there… BM KKK?? gesssh
jimshari222 over 8 years ago
Me thinks wedding planner thinks wedding for two grooms…
mrsdonaldson over 8 years ago
Why so much dislike for TJ? I like him. He’s a good friend. He’s a good cook. He helps out whenever and wherever needed, even watching Shannon.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 8 years ago
Let’s try that again…..@Bryan Shipley said,“Sorry, but there’s no actual evidence of that. It’s not that he’s actually passed up chances to do something unethical, just that those chances haven’t been made available to him lately.”.Not a day passes without an opportunity to do something illegal, immoral, unethical..“it’s the same trap people fell into with Shannon, when claiming that referring to her as “a brat” was inaccurate nowadays. It turned out it wasn’t that her discipline or behavior had actually improved, but rather that everyone had been bending over backwards to accommodate her. As soon as she stopped getting her way, the tantrums started all over again.”.Naw, she’s sweeter than ever. You just don’t appreciate her..“Until then (or until he attempts to make amends for past behavior) I’m not convinced.”.No sweat. He may never convince you.Some folks just can’t see the good in others.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
nah, we’ll be fine.But bless your heart for worrying about us!
~~Erendirani~~ over 8 years ago
Kids Karate Kicking.Obviously an evil enterprise.Kitchen Knick Knacks.Never ever buy any.
Airman over 8 years ago
All very nice and family oriented, but NOW wedding planner takes off the glasses, shakes loose her hair, changes to something more edgy, and goes to her other job as head of Exotic Escorts for Elders. Hot mama is unleashed.
nomomaniacs over 8 years ago
I think KKK is right for all you TJ haters out there.
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
@Erendirani LOL. Thanks, Erendirani. As I say below, don’t let the bad folks own that acronym (KKK). It is like fussing about “666” which will inevitably appear in non-biblical settings. Save your indignation for things that matter.
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago
IF you ever got your wish for conflict and drama you would probably have a heart attack. What’s the matter. not enough drama in REAL LIFE for you?
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
I am not convinced that the wedding TJ has fast-talked their way into is really the wedding that Brad and Toni want!I still say, ditch TJ and his scheme. Do it yourselves, Brad and Toni, simple, small, and inexpensive….
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Nothing like a good BM to keep things going
ironman01 over 8 years ago
Why do I have visions of disaster dancing in my head?
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
Some early TJ action from 1993:.......And, off to the next scam.
kauri44 over 8 years ago
Considering that TJ is a good enough cook for Brad and Toni to consider living with him after their marriage, it seems like having him cater their wedding would be an obvious idea.
howtheduck over 8 years ago
What a good bm does for best man or bowel movement? Really, either one fis.
Pipe Tobacco over 8 years ago
4Overall, to me this was the best panel so far this week. I do like how Brad is happy about TJ’s negotiating skills. I am presuming that with Brad’s currently giving TJ accolades, that he is on board with how the wedding was organized and planned. So, from my perspective, I believe that even though Brad seemed to have a few qualms with some of TJ’s ideas on Tuesday’s and Monday’s panels, they were resolved “off screen” so-to-speak and now the planned event is how Brad would have liked it himself.With Brad liking the outcome, I am hoping that Toni will like the outcome as well…. remember, she gave her blessing for Brad to make these decisions for both of them… and he has. What I have some trepidation about is…. will Toni hear about some of the plans and become disgruntled because they are more “showy” or “extravagent” than she herself would have selected (if she had been making selections)? I sincerely hope Greg does not have that be part of the story arc…. because if Toni does become disgruntled at some of the choices….. it would IMO be unfair to Brad. He was given permission by Toni to make the choices for the both of them. Hopefully Greg will not have Toni get upset about some of the choices. Instead, I am hoping that even if some of the choices ARE more than Toni would like, that she accepts them, and laughs it off and has fun with them. As a shy, reticent person myself, I do know that when I can take and participate in activities with my wife, my friends, and my other relatives (all of whom are typically more out-going than I tend to be)…. even if I am uncomfortable at first…. I usually end up appreciating getting out of my comfort zone and growing. I think this could very well be the same for Toni, and I am hoping Greg continues the arc in this fashion.
Pipe Tobacco over 8 years ago
In regards to TJ’s “Katering” efforts…. I would vote that the name be “K2 Katering” They have already used the K2 designation on some of the clothing.
Pipe Tobacco over 8 years ago
I also must say that I greatly enjoy how TJ is usually very enthusiastic about the things he does…. even if they are sometimes over-the-top. His enthusiasm is a VERY GOOD THING.In my own life, I have been working to try to view things (good and especially bad things) with more enthusiasm…. the bad things, I try to view enthusiastically as a way I can grow as a person.
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
How are the Kafe Kablooie Katering Kontracts going, anyway? I hope to get a peek at the summary financial statements for the Fuse by early January 2017.
pmasters over 8 years ago
It’s amazing what a good BM can do.
comicboyz over 8 years ago
TJA BM that runs the KKK
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago
Well without giving out too much, our family last name (mine) can me made to to Rhyme with ( FORGIVE ME ) ‘farty’ ( blushing) But only if pronounced in English. Since i was born in Belgium, and my name would be properly pronounced in FRENCH, the American pronounciation would be SIMILAR a certain Starship captain from the 1980’s and 90’s.
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago
If my kids had somehow used their mother’s last name it would have been 10 letters long, and the same as a certain Jurassic movie director…( character )
ACTIVIST1234 over 8 years ago
Ok. If your family name is Morris, wouldn’t you be a bad parent if you named your son David Ulysses? Or if your family name is Wilson, isn’t it mean to name your daughter Paula Ellen?*The related apocryphal story is that of the Pigg family, who named their two girls Ima and Ura. But you’d heard that.
phxhocking over 8 years ago
Ah, I got it. The old bait-and-switch.
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
Let’s hope Brad recovers from his faux whiplash by tomorrow.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Wedding at about 17 seconds in the video
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
nomomaniacs said, about 11 hours agoI think KKK is right for all you TJ haters out there. -And that is just slippery enough to mean anything to anybody. Good show, you are learning you calumny well.
RSH over 8 years ago
So TJ is best man. That explains why he felt he could go in and participate in the planning. It was a little un-nerving until that was clear… (to me).
SactoSylvia over 8 years ago
We don’t know whether Brad went along with the fireworks or headed that idea off at the pass. I’m hopeful that it’s the latter. Today’s strip shows him as being very enthusiastic about the outcome of this meeting, which I don’t think he’d be if he knew that he’d have to explain to Toni that their “simple” wedding just went off the rails.
Of course, tomorrow’s strip show the “uh-oh” moment when that realization hits…
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
.“Toni …! Get back here! You’re getting your wedding dress all dirty!!”
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
Spoiler Alert: Nancy goes bug – eyed. Will it be ‘yes’ or ‘no’?
JayBluE over 8 years ago
Spoiler Alert (the Made for TV Sequel)… Don’t eat bad fruit. – No, but seriously, I can lay stake to calling it… Might as well call it “All In The Family”…an issue gets all addressed…turned up all the way to the nines It’ll be a lot to be contained in this thread, to be enjoyed. Saying any more, would ruin the fabric of space and time….
31768 over 8 years ago
oh! my pocket! (what bwad’s really saying!)
Naldrin 11 months ago
Well, Brad, you’ve eaten TJ’s food before and know how good it is, and he just saved you some money. I think the sensible thing is hire him for the catering.