Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for November 04, 2016
Eddie: Well, I bettah get goin'...I've got some new refugees to help relocate. Joe: Wait...what?! Flo: Wow! I'm proud of you, Eddie! Which desperate people ah ya helpin' to find a safe haven? Voice: I disavow myself from the vile and despicable actions of our candidate!! ...But I'm still going to vote for him... Flo: Oh...Republican congressmen, right? Eddie: Ah-yeh. Joe: I think you need a bigger boat.
Can't Sleep about 8 years ago
Make ’em stay and suffer with the rest of us!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Yes, so far Germany has taken in many magnitudes more refugees than the huge USA.
Dtroutma about 8 years ago
Oh, Wiley, great shot, but you’re gon’na stampede the herd.
somebodyshort about 8 years ago
You need a much bigger ship Eddie. I nominate Captain Schettino to be captain of the ship
jrowell about 8 years ago
So true! Those politicians sure have gotten themselves into a pickle. They’re to blame for their own predicament (and it’s fun to watch them squirm!) Pharisees at their best – Trump’s just saying what a lot of them believe but don’t dare put in to words.
keenanthelibrarian about 8 years ago
Not sure what a racist hypothetical belief is. Please enlighten me.
keenanthelibrarian about 8 years ago
I’m trying not to be bigotted; all I want to know is what a racist hypothetical belief is. BTW I am very well read.
Varnes about 8 years ago
keenanthelibrarian…Yeah, I have a hard time understanding Nate too….Left-wing racism? Seriously? One of the hallmarks of the right wing IS racism, plain and simple…
whiteheron about 8 years ago
heavy sigh!!!!!!!
Varnes about 8 years ago
Bruno and keenan, Yeah, what the hell IS hypothetical racism, anyway? Either there’s a black guy is hanging from a tree branch or there isn’t…..
marshall about 8 years ago
I could do without your political bias.
Varnes about 8 years ago
Screw the boat, you should have better taste and morals….
stairsteppublishing about 8 years ago
See you next week. Taking a break from all of the media and politician screaming and lying until after the election.
gorbag about 8 years ago
Znox11 about 8 years ago
Can we all at least agree that both candidates have really lowered the bar……
sandpiper about 8 years ago
The choice of candidate in this election is like the choice of being shot by firing squad or being hung. Either way, you’re going to feel some pain. And, one cause of this ‘choice’ that has not been mentioned is the role the media played in shrinking a wide field down to these two. Had the networks and newspapers given relatively equal time and exposure to each person, both democrats and republicans would have had significantly different choices on the ballot.Instead information controllers followed the old maxim that news media go for the easy shots, the sensational, the splashy. Anything else is left in the ashes. Pity.
mourdac Premium Member about 8 years ago
Maybe the election in the U.S. is like the movie ‘Trading Places’. Who would be the Dukes for the ’Pubs and Democrats?
Geezer about 8 years ago
I will be happy when the election is over, so Wiley can get back to being funny.
Kilrwat Premium Member about 8 years ago
@benporter NY Times net profit dropped due to one-time employee buyout charges as they restructure their business. Revenues are down less than 1%.
Warren Wubker about 8 years ago
Must be. Democrats are so used to corruption they think its normal.
A Hip loving Canadian... about 8 years ago
“Leftwing racist hypocritical beliefs”… are you trying to be ironic or moronic… hard to tell.
DukeOfURL Premium Member about 8 years ago
The Dems won’t run from their vile and despicable traitoress thief of a candidate – they think that’s normal…
dabugger about 8 years ago
Republican Hypocrisy, the ‘right way’; but not ours.
David Frechette Premium Member about 8 years ago
And don’t forget to load up all the democratic trash to dump out in the bay!
sbwertz about 8 years ago
Well, it’s either put up with Trump or face decades of a liberal supreme court. Hillary is threatening to put Obama on the supreme court!
3pibgorn9 about 8 years ago
Anyone but Trump, the narcissistic public foul mouth who has no concept of diplomacy or world reality. And is impulsive,
watashi73 about 8 years ago
Wiley is in the process of turning an entertaining strip into one that about half of us sick enough of mainstream media politics aimed in only one direction may just start giving the strip a skip. Left and right are already covered by Doonesbury and Mallard. Give it a rest.
whiteaj about 8 years ago
Please move Wiley to the editorial group where he belongs.
dflak about 8 years ago
2008 Democrat – I’m not Bush | 2012 Democrat – I’m not Obama | 2016 Republican – I’m not Trump.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Lay out that “bigotry” you claim is there first.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
No just your local bad sides voted for a fascist, rapist, masher corrupt to the bone candidate. Who is pals with a dictator, Putin and wants to run the country like him.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
An uptick in crime (assaults and violence) and harassment of women (and the rest of them) by the local ‘Conservative Republicans’ we call racists thugs you mean?
Geezer about 8 years ago
Do any of you know how to right more than headlines and leading questions?
I bet they know the difference between “write” and “right.”
scottymac about 8 years ago
I’ll miss you, Danae, but it’s time this tripe be relegated to the editorial cartoons. Which I don’t read.
librarian4hire about 8 years ago
Remind me which candidate
Fraudulently used his charity to pay his legal bills.
Called for nuclear proliferation.
Called for national stop and frisk.
Violated the U.S. trade embargo with Cuba.
Is being sued for fraud pertaining to his “university” scam.
Employed a campaign manager who is accused of being involved in illegal corruption with Ukraine.
Lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate.
Was unaware of Russia’s Crimea occupation.
Is unaware of situation in Syria.
Was penalized for racist housing discrimination.
Filed for business bankrupcy 6 times.
Questioned a judge’s integrity because of his parent’s heritage.
Deleted emails involved in his casino scandal.
Admitted that he doesn’t pay his contractors.
Called Obama an illegitimate noncitizen hundreds of times over 7 years.
Used campaign donations to enrich his own businesses.
Geezer about 8 years ago
I don’t expect much from you.
Nor I from you. Sloppy writing is often a symptom of sloppy thinking. People who live in glass houses ….
sandflea about 8 years ago
Canada’s gonna build a wall and make America pay for it.
pschearer Premium Member about 8 years ago
And as usual, Wiley will disclaim any bias with “It’s just a cartoon”. Yeah, a biased one. (Not that he doesn’t have the right, but it would be an amazing day if he’d admit to it.)
facing_bs about 8 years ago
no one cares about your political views. They care about humor, that’s why they read your comic strip. Forget the politics and you’ll do better.
hippogriff about 8 years ago
ben porter
Of course they have skills. They were independent merchants now in a chain-store world. They were farmers who cared for the soil in an agribusiness world. They were artisans in an assembly-line world. They were scholars and teachers in a world that disparages both. They lived in a world of heat and drought and yet survived. And when the corporate world collapses of its own dead weight, exhausted resources, and dying planet, they will be the last to go.
Wiley creator about 8 years ago
The clip got cut off. Here’s the rest of it:
The Arizona Republic, which had never endorsed a Democrat for president since its founding in 1890: “Trump responds to criticism with the petulance of verbal spit wads. That’s beneath our national dignity. When the president of the United States speaks, the world expects substance. Not a blistering tweet.”The Dallas Morning News, which had not endorsed a Democrat for president in more than 75 years: “He plays on fear—exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny—to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best. His serial shifts on fundamental issues reveal an astounding absence of preparedness. And his improvisational insults and midnight tweets exhibit a dangerous lack of judgment and impulse control.”The San Diego Union-Tribune, which had not endorsed a Democrat for president in its 148-year history: “Terrible leaders can knock nations off course. Venezuela is falling apart because of the obstinance and delusions of Hugo Chávez and his successor. Argentina is finally coming out of the chaos created by Cristina Kirchner and several of her predecessors. Trump could be our Chávez, our Kirchner. We cannot take that risk.”USA Today, which had never endorsed a presidential candidate (and still stopped short of an actual endorsement of Clinton): “®esist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”
Burgundy2 about 8 years ago
Nice nod to Jaws.
wiatr about 8 years ago
I think it requires a rocket and a free one-way trip to Mars.
Say What? Premium Member about 8 years ago
Say what you like, but we didn’t rig OUR primary.
No, your candidate took your primary hostage by threatening to run as an independent if not nominated.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 8 years ago
Congressmen, the anti-service animal.
Danicat about 8 years ago
Its too bad they trash Republicans, when only dead people vote for Democrats.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
After some effort to cut myself off from the vile and despicable bulk of humanity, filled with bile and excrement, I finally arrived at the ingenious invention of the guillotine, and was able to properly establish my distinction from them, which I enjoyed for as much as three minutes before darkness took me.
I’m your top, prime cut of meat
I’m your choice
I wanna be elected!
GeorgeSteele over 5 years ago
And here we are, three years later, with the best President and greatest prosperity in the history of the country. Second thoughts, Wiley? Yeah, I didn’t think so – delusion runs deep in this one.