Where does Fay hear about Souffle Lingerie parties? Anyway it looks like Fay has developed a new interest in becoming attractive – now that she has a target. If Axel is good to her – Fay’s self esteem will improve majorly.
Quibbling Siblings, Soufflé Lingerie, Cafe TJ, Chateau Trio, Kafé Kablooie…. this strip’s reliance on rhyming/alliterative names is really starting to wear thin (and all these are just what I recall offhand from the past few years; I’d hate to see what more we’d find after doing an entire archive search). These kinds of names are really not as common out there as Evans seems to think.
Wow, a little bit of confidence awakens the WOMAN in this young girl—Axel you don’t know what is about to hit you! Seriously this is so funny, and falls into that convergence theme I keep bringing up, but nobody seems to agree with. Not only is this parent and child relationships, growth, confronting situations that challenge the characters, but specifically somehow this tween newly confident girl wants to go to Souffle lingerie show, far above her age range. Interesting she knows about it, Ann has done a really good job of secondary promotion in that “P” of marketing. Unfortunately the product “P” is a grifter’s fake. Its’funny too and cute, hitting on all cylinders for a comic arc completion. Not only that but Axel is doing a fantastic job of charming Fay’s mom as well. She want’s Fay to co-star with him. Such a nice young man, contrary to a number of tch-tching fuddy duddies around these parts. Luann you did good work here young lady. Of course the next thing will show your dingbat side, but then human’s, comic or real, have more than one side to them. That is what makes them interesting in either world. Hope Fay, Axel, and Mrs. Garcia come back, at least Fay, and Axel anyway.
Thirteen year old girls are definitely interested in boys and pretty lingerie. Nothing odd about that. For example, see http://www.gocomics.com/luann/1988/04/22
RebroxAnna: No, I hope it’s not a segue: Those things fall over too easily! (Reference to those Smoky Stover two-wheel contraptions) Seriously, other than a rather forced romantic interlude between Tiff and Les, the entire Soufflé lingerie episode appeared to be a total waste of time. This Fay arc, on the other hand, was quite promising, at least until this week, when it kind of turned into a version of John Grisham ’s the Whistler, in that, after a rough start, once it got going, nothing went wrong and everything went exactly as planned.
Another thought: Only fifty comments at 6 AM MDT? Is that a new record low for comments on Luann? (It’s usually already up to a hundred by the time I check in)
Actually, I like the Fay arc. It’s just that this one didn’t end with a bang, just a whimper… And, no, I’m not ready to go back to Tiff and Les. With a shout out to Mordock999, I’m more than ready for another Tiff and Gunth arc. Just make sure the apartment is stocked with pizza and Star Trek tapes!
I’m glad it’s Lu that’s trying to reign in Fay, just a little. Fay will accept Lu’s judgement and direction much better and faster than if it comes from the “Authority Figure” of Mom. And Fay needs a bit of tempering. Don’t go too far, too fast, too soon. Gradual steps…..
I, too, would also like to know how Fay learned of Souflee, as well. Was Fay’s mom one of the “cutomers???” Hmmmm…..
Fay is primed and feeling the power of “The Force” now! (This isn’t the Axel you afraid of mother. Move along.)But wait! Out there awaits “The Dark Side of the Force.” And I’m sure G&K Evans will find it for us!
Rather disappointing to me today. If it is a segue, I hope Fay is NOT included because of her age. If is just to be “funny”, then I hope we start on some other arc…. even a Toni & Brad arc. My favorite choices for a new arc would be to have an arc with Tiffany and Mrs. Fogarty (with limited SL inclusion) or an arc that has Mr. Gray & Mrs. Berger, or an arc back at PCC with Jack & Nil.
A nice path back to the Tiffany & Ann Eiffel arc. I hope Tiffany gets a handle for moving on with her life. Let Tiff’s Dad have a good time with AE for a little while – then she’ll take off for parts unknown.
SO, we have that crossover. We’ve been wondering what the POINT of the re-appearance of Ann Eiffel and the Souffle Lingerie arc. Some of us in here thought the fragmented-seeming arcs that did not seem to have any conclusion and no connection to each other must have something to unite all arcs. Looks like the first arc-to-arc segment has appeared here. Either Luann told her about it during her girl talks or her mother brought a bag home. However, I don’t think it is Luann’s place to talk to her about sexy underwear which sole purpose is to entertain the guys in the bedroom – it is her mother’s. I hope Luann will only say these parties are strictly for mature women.
Some may just see it as ‘Fay is too young for these things’. But it could also be because they are scams….or even more so….Ann’s been busted out of this particular scam…
Something of a switch-er-oo, there! But, Luann is AWARE of the Soufflé Lingerie scam, whereas Fay is NOT!!
Interesting reversal here … Luann is now being in the pull-it-back ‘mom-mode’ (but doing it nicely), and Fay doesn’t know about the scam involved, that’s all it is! Of course … girls her age will be curious about what the ‘grown women’ wear – ask any dad of a daughter – and not that that’s such a bad thing, it just happens as it will and has long before! Ask humanity – it happens… :)
It slowly dawns on Les that Tiffany is USING Him and not for “snuggling.”
And All HADES Breaks loose when Gunther’s long lost father shows up to ask for a loan of 50 bucks because his Social Security check got “lost in the mail.” Gunther agrees to pay him $100 bucks if he’ll crash Irma and Al’s wedding and LOUDLY Object to their “Blessed Union.”
I had hoped by now that Luann told her parents about the scam and they would have taken steps to shut it down. Or, Tiffany would have called Simone (CEO of SL) again, and she would’ve launched an investigation about the scam.
How many more things does Ann Eiffel have to get away with before she’s stopped?
So how is it that Fay knows about the lingerie parties? It suggests she spent a lot of time at the Fuse training and practicing and somehow caught wind of them. But that must have been early on because Fay doesn’t know that there won’t be any more lingerie parties.
I just thought I would throw this comment in for contra Luann fans. She pays the bills here, and this, I bet, is one of the most commercially successful comics in the 21st century print, and digital environment. Also be blessed both for Easter, and Passover.
Templo S.U.D. almost 7 years ago
not so fast, Fay, but methinks you’re not old enough to wear that stuff
AnyFace almost 7 years ago
Have we traversed the “Möbius Strip” all the way back around to the “A”-Plot …?!! ✨Joe1962 almost 7 years ago
Fay that for the adults not 13 year old’s!
Vilyehm almost 7 years ago
And we have our crossover. A very unexpected crossover.
Fay shouldn’t be expecting, at her age, to display the goods without first doing a few more customer surveys.
But we now know the fact that the lingerie is counterfeit has not made the news. No police raids.
So neither Ann nor Tiffany has said anything to any authority? Just Tiffany to her friends.
kenhense almost 7 years ago
Where does Fay hear about Souffle Lingerie parties? Anyway it looks like Fay has developed a new interest in becoming attractive – now that she has a target. If Axel is good to her – Fay’s self esteem will improve majorly.
Joe1962 almost 7 years ago
Mrs. Garcia approves Axel and Fay.
Vilyehm almost 7 years ago
An arm grab is good for a full week.
Maybe Luann will be going into flashback mode.
howtheduck almost 7 years ago
“Ma’am”! Who is this Axel? What happened to the rude kid who walked out of Prudence’s drama class?
BJShipley1 almost 7 years ago
Quibbling Siblings, Soufflé Lingerie, Cafe TJ, Chateau Trio, Kafé Kablooie…. this strip’s reliance on rhyming/alliterative names is really starting to wear thin (and all these are just what I recall offhand from the past few years; I’d hate to see what more we’d find after doing an entire archive search). These kinds of names are really not as common out there as Evans seems to think.
Rosette almost 7 years ago
This settles it – Luann has been a bad influence after all.
luann1212 almost 7 years ago
Wow, a little bit of confidence awakens the WOMAN in this young girl—Axel you don’t know what is about to hit you! Seriously this is so funny, and falls into that convergence theme I keep bringing up, but nobody seems to agree with. Not only is this parent and child relationships, growth, confronting situations that challenge the characters, but specifically somehow this tween newly confident girl wants to go to Souffle lingerie show, far above her age range. Interesting she knows about it, Ann has done a really good job of secondary promotion in that “P” of marketing. Unfortunately the product “P” is a grifter’s fake. Its’funny too and cute, hitting on all cylinders for a comic arc completion. Not only that but Axel is doing a fantastic job of charming Fay’s mom as well. She want’s Fay to co-star with him. Such a nice young man, contrary to a number of tch-tching fuddy duddies around these parts. Luann you did good work here young lady. Of course the next thing will show your dingbat side, but then human’s, comic or real, have more than one side to them. That is what makes them interesting in either world. Hope Fay, Axel, and Mrs. Garcia come back, at least Fay, and Axel anyway.
imbaldeagle almost 7 years ago
That’s KAREN Evans’ contribution. She does the words & he does the drawing.
31768 almost 7 years ago
Whoa nellie! Slow down a minute Faye! Kinda getting ahead of yourself there.
hersheyjgm almost 7 years ago
Maybe Fay knew about the lingerie show because her Mom had gone previously but told Fay she was too young to go?
Brdshtt Premium Member almost 7 years ago
She’s unstoppable now.
Lee Cox almost 7 years ago
Yeah, trust Luann on this one, Fay. That’s a very BAD idea for several reasons!
ianm almost 7 years ago
Thirteen year old girls are definitely interested in boys and pretty lingerie. Nothing odd about that. For example, see http://www.gocomics.com/luann/1988/04/22
dwane.scoty1 almost 7 years ago
Mosquito Bite lingerie: Maybe some of Luann’s hand-me- downs!
The Joke Explainer Premium Member almost 7 years ago
And in two weeks a smiling Axel is putting a tweet on #metoo
rebroxanna almost 7 years ago
I hope that last panel is a segue…
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 7 years ago
Not only isn´t she old enough for that, but it is shut down due to being a scam.
Willywise52 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Airman almost 7 years ago
As I mentioned before, Luann may have opened a Pandora’s Box. Young Fay is hot to trot and Luann has slipped to the category of observer.
Ignatz Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Is this actually intended to join the two stories, or is it just a comic callback to close out the week?
Cheapskate0 almost 7 years ago
RebroxAnna: No, I hope it’s not a segue: Those things fall over too easily! (Reference to those Smoky Stover two-wheel contraptions) Seriously, other than a rather forced romantic interlude between Tiff and Les, the entire Soufflé lingerie episode appeared to be a total waste of time. This Fay arc, on the other hand, was quite promising, at least until this week, when it kind of turned into a version of John Grisham ’s the Whistler, in that, after a rough start, once it got going, nothing went wrong and everything went exactly as planned.
Cheapskate0 almost 7 years ago
Another thought: Only fifty comments at 6 AM MDT? Is that a new record low for comments on Luann? (It’s usually already up to a hundred by the time I check in)
Cheapskate0 almost 7 years ago
Actually, I like the Fay arc. It’s just that this one didn’t end with a bang, just a whimper… And, no, I’m not ready to go back to Tiff and Les. With a shout out to Mordock999, I’m more than ready for another Tiff and Gunth arc. Just make sure the apartment is stocked with pizza and Star Trek tapes!
TORAD_07 almost 7 years ago
I’m glad it’s Lu that’s trying to reign in Fay, just a little. Fay will accept Lu’s judgement and direction much better and faster than if it comes from the “Authority Figure” of Mom. And Fay needs a bit of tempering. Don’t go too far, too fast, too soon. Gradual steps…..
I, too, would also like to know how Fay learned of Souflee, as well. Was Fay’s mom one of the “cutomers???” Hmmmm…..
Tyge almost 7 years ago
Fay is primed and feeling the power of “The Force” now! (This isn’t the Axel you afraid of mother. Move along.)But wait! Out there awaits “The Dark Side of the Force.” And I’m sure G&K Evans will find it for us!
Sportymonk almost 7 years ago
Like the way the boy is drawn. Not so surly.
jrankin1959 almost 7 years ago
Don’t push it, kid…
JPuzzleWhiz almost 7 years ago
Unless someone else is conductibg it — legally, by an actual Souffle Lingerie representative — those parties are over.
JPuzzleWhiz almost 7 years ago
Oops, that should be “conducting”! There seems to be a “typo bug” going around today, and even I fell victim to it!
RWY almost 7 years ago
That is not the least bit funny. It’s offensive and disgusting. Mrs. Garcia’s control is suddenly appropriate.
Pipe Tobacco almost 7 years ago
Rather disappointing to me today. If it is a segue, I hope Fay is NOT included because of her age. If is just to be “funny”, then I hope we start on some other arc…. even a Toni & Brad arc. My favorite choices for a new arc would be to have an arc with Tiffany and Mrs. Fogarty (with limited SL inclusion) or an arc that has Mr. Gray & Mrs. Berger, or an arc back at PCC with Jack & Nil.
Saurabh_India almost 7 years ago
The last panel is a bit unexpected.. coming from a early teen girl
Papa Zulu almost 7 years ago
Say, what does Fay’s Mom do anyway? Could she be in some branch of law enforcement? Let’s see how she takes the news about the fakes.
dimndno almost 7 years ago
11 going on 17.
kenhense almost 7 years ago
A nice path back to the Tiffany & Ann Eiffel arc. I hope Tiffany gets a handle for moving on with her life. Let Tiff’s Dad have a good time with AE for a little while – then she’ll take off for parts unknown.
capricorn9th almost 7 years ago
SO, we have that crossover. We’ve been wondering what the POINT of the re-appearance of Ann Eiffel and the Souffle Lingerie arc. Some of us in here thought the fragmented-seeming arcs that did not seem to have any conclusion and no connection to each other must have something to unite all arcs. Looks like the first arc-to-arc segment has appeared here. Either Luann told her about it during her girl talks or her mother brought a bag home. However, I don’t think it is Luann’s place to talk to her about sexy underwear which sole purpose is to entertain the guys in the bedroom – it is her mother’s. I hope Luann will only say these parties are strictly for mature women.
JayBluE almost 7 years ago
Fay’s really going places! ….as soon as Luann lets go……
JayBluE almost 7 years ago
JayBluE almost 7 years ago
“Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now!…Except For That One Thing….” (♩)
“Float Like A Butterfly, Sing Like You’re On Glee”
“I Can Stop Speeding Young Ladies In A Single Bound!”
“A Chiffon Off The New Block”
“Silly Scamming Tricks Aren’t For Kids!”
“It’s Nobody’s Business”
“Ann’s Got A Lot Of Wind….But No Sales”
“The Liquidating Game”
“Hold On, Hold Off”
“Those Lacy, Hasty, Crazy Raves Of Summer” (♩)
“The Tadpole Shouldn’t Fall Hard For The Treats”
“The Last Thing Your Butt Needs Is A Pamper”
“You Really Got A Hold On Me” (♬)
“Limitation Is The Sincerest Form Of ‘You Can’t Do That!’ "
Airman almost 7 years ago
Maybe Luann should call in Tiffany for a consult. After all, Tiff is a specialist in provocative behavior.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 7 years ago
Ann franchised Souffle lingerie parties, part of a pyramid scheme too.
Code the Enforcer almost 7 years ago
Something of a switch-er-oo, there! But, Luann is AWARE of the Soufflé Lingerie scam, whereas Fay is NOT!!
Interesting reversal here … Luann is now being in the pull-it-back ‘mom-mode’ (but doing it nicely), and Fay doesn’t know about the scam involved, that’s all it is! Of course … girls her age will be curious about what the ‘grown women’ wear – ask any dad of a daughter – and not that that’s such a bad thing, it just happens as it will and has long before! Ask humanity – it happens… :)
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
And coming up Monday:
Mrs Fogarty ain’t the droid we’re looking for.
It slowly dawns on Les that Tiffany is USING Him and not for “snuggling.”
And All HADES Breaks loose when Gunther’s long lost father shows up to ask for a loan of 50 bucks because his Social Security check got “lost in the mail.” Gunther agrees to pay him $100 bucks if he’ll crash Irma and Al’s wedding and LOUDLY Object to their “Blessed Union.”
Dragoncat almost 7 years ago
I had hoped by now that Luann told her parents about the scam and they would have taken steps to shut it down. Or, Tiffany would have called Simone (CEO of SL) again, and she would’ve launched an investigation about the scam.
How many more things does Ann Eiffel have to get away with before she’s stopped?
RSH almost 7 years ago
So how is it that Fay knows about the lingerie parties? It suggests she spent a lot of time at the Fuse training and practicing and somehow caught wind of them. But that must have been early on because Fay doesn’t know that there won’t be any more lingerie parties.
Luanaphile almost 7 years ago
Um, Fay’s mom was at a Soufflé gathering?
Mijo94 almost 7 years ago
Don’t push your luck Fay. Enjoy the win you already have
Sisyphos almost 7 years ago
Clever gag to wind up the Axel/Fay/Mrs, Garcia arc! Need not be anything more (we are not going to see Fay at a Souffle Lingerie Party!).
The question is, what comes next (after the Easter Sunday stand-alone)?
luann1212 almost 7 years ago
I just thought I would throw this comment in for contra Luann fans. She pays the bills here, and this, I bet, is one of the most commercially successful comics in the 21st century print, and digital environment. Also be blessed both for Easter, and Passover.
jmworacle almost 7 years ago
Baby steps Fay. Baby steps…..