Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 23, 2020

  1. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  over 4 years ago

    You outnumber them, but they have better weapons.

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  2. Kumamon 2
    wallylm  over 4 years ago

    The type of education system that gives the test first and the lesson after (if you survive)!

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  3. Missing large
    eastern.woods.metal  over 4 years ago

    Two rabbits are chased into a hollow log by a pack of wolves. The one rabbit is scared and asks the other what they should do. The second says, wait a week and we’ll outnumber them.

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  4. Coyote
    eromlig  over 4 years ago

    “I don’t have to outrun those big cats…” (anyone?)

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  5. Bead braid p
    I Mad Am I  over 4 years ago

    I feel this is a play off of Anti-Maskers. I have been wondering if these people are the same ones who believe the Earth is Flat, Believe there is Nothing Smaller than a Mustard Seed, and wander around with Tin Foil Hats. Only… Nice Young Men in White Uniforms do not come and take you away… instead a long black vehicle.

    BTW – a ‘hearse’ went past me the other day. On the side were stickers that said, “Last Ride”.

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  6. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 4 years ago

    Because it would be an awful lot like coming to a gunfight armed with a pocket knife. You might do a bit  of damage…

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    JH&Cats  over 4 years ago

    The way of the world? The Magical Woods of Niceness it’s not.

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  8. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  over 4 years ago

    The cats will explain everything.

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  9. Figaro 1
    Wilde Bill  over 4 years ago

    This works for them. Too bad there isn’t a way to keep stupid people from breeding before they off themselves.

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  10. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  over 4 years ago

    Let their sharp claws and powerful jaws with ripping sharp teeth explain it to you. You’ll be a fast learner, trust me.

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  11. Missing large
    whahoppened  over 4 years ago

    I remember a video of an antelope that didn’t run! The lion kinda pawed at him but didn’t know what to do! As soon as the antelope bolted, the lion became a lion again.

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  12. Missing large
    Ken Orvis  over 4 years ago

    And yet — somewhere in the deep history of Homo sapiens — imagine perhaps a small troop of slow-running three-foot-tall Australopithecus — someone did just that, and a group of photo-human beings stood their ground with timid courage holding rocks and sticks and instead of scattering to leave the slowest one to die, they faced down their first cat and won the field — and the savanna was forever changed.

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  13. Me2
    PleaseStay6PixelsAway  over 4 years ago

    And I’m not going to wear a mask for the same reason – there’s more people than viruses!!

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  14. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  over 4 years ago

    “Okay, we’ll run, you don’t run, and we’ll outnumber them by a little less.”

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  15. Sjacket
    phredturner  over 4 years ago

    Our teeth and toes aren’t sharp, our limbs are skinny, but we are quites fast

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  16. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 4 years ago

    The one looking at the reader seems to be saying, Can you believe this guy? I feel the same way whenever I see Buttercup and TupPence. Makes me shudder to think of the possibilities.

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  17. Note
    Slowly, he turned...  over 4 years ago

    Stay at home education?

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  18. Missing large
    dflak  over 4 years ago

    Revisionist history. We have to teach our children the “right” kind of history.

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  19. Missing large
    awcoffman  over 4 years ago

    Herd Mentality

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  20. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 4 years ago

    I don’t know if it works with lions/gazelles but there are times in the US when you see deer fending off wolves. big aggressive bucks charging with their antlers down.

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  21. 200px the green dragon sign
    Ralph Newbill  over 4 years ago

    Common sense: the least common of all senses.

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  22. Img 0448  2018 01 29 23 33 16 utc
    pheets  over 4 years ago

    There’s always ONE..

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  23. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I’ve wondered that too especially when just one bully can push everyone else around.

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  24. Hicks   portrait sm
    ronaldhicks  over 4 years ago

    And you have horns. Just get into battle formation, and . . . . .

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  25. Missing large
    petermerck  over 4 years ago

    Because we only eat grass and they don’t.

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  26. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Okay, the rest of the herd of runners is safe for at least one big cat meal.

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  27. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  over 4 years ago

    Sorta like, “Just because doctors wear masks when they operate, doesn’t mean they work.”

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  28. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 4 years ago

    Bison form a defensive circle to defend against predators as part of their herd mentality. Other herd animals scatter in a “everyone for themselves” defense. Human herds tend to choose poorly.

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    MollyCat  over 4 years ago

    They must have gone to Trump U.

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  30. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    Because they can’t count. Bye!

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  31. 6b6a17aa 4633 4ce3 959e 2cd6e82fbf91
    alexius23  over 4 years ago

    Animal Darwin Awards winner

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  32. Tank right side
    Snowedin  over 4 years ago

    You can always count on the trolls to come out of the woodwork on a Non Sequitur strip. Ugh.

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  33. 690904ef 1e7c 4d36 a98a f46b185ca15f
    DCBakerEsq  over 4 years ago

    Not unlike refusing to wear a mask and social distance, no?

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    Buckeye67  over 4 years ago

    Just once I would like to see a large herd of antelope put their heads down and charge a pride of lions. I’ll bet the lions would run.

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  35. Th 2434264126
    Snoots  over 4 years ago

    Sometimes the solution to a problem is easier than it seems. In Atomic Robo today, Robo gave the homework assignment: "Resolve the problem of the conceptual flow of time between general relativity and quantum mechanics.

    While this may seem a daunting assignment at first glance, if one gives it a moment of thought the answer becomes obvious:


    Comparatively, discouraging a lion from eating you may be as simple as farting at the precisely correct moment. Or something.

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  36. Wb
    mwksix  over 4 years ago

    “Explain guys, uh, guys!?”

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  37. Homer  invent that
    comic4matt  over 4 years ago

    They may be outnumbered, but they’re better equipped to fight… NOW RUN!!!

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    bigal666  over 4 years ago

    We need that in Congress.

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  39. Photo
    JoeHaney  over 4 years ago

    This is what happens when you disarm the public. The predators win. No more gun control.

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  40. Pupil
    Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 4 years ago

    ‘And explain why we have to wear masks.’

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  41. Yellow submarine
    spaced man spliff  over 4 years ago

    I herd you loud and clear.

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  42. Joliet jake blues
    Joliet Jake  over 4 years ago

    Another proud member of the Leopards Ate My Face Party.

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  43. Camera1 016
    keenanthelibrarian  over 4 years ago

    Seems perfectly logical to me …

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