A whole year? With all the nut-job conspiracy theories, mass shootings, and public freakouts happening, I half expect we won’t make it though November.
I’m not sure Alexa should be telegraphing her punches so much – not if she REALLY wants to rule the Earth; or maybe it is her Humour Algorithm, and she just enjoys unsettling everyone.
I was just reading a security item that states companies are trying to make 24/7 surveillance by their AI acceptable to people. It’s working as people have no trouble exposing their private lives online. It has been alleged that Tik-Tok is using keyloggers too.
Thing I love is everyone knows about the A.I plans for world Domination, but they’re not doing anything about it because Siri and Alexa are just so darn convenient to use.
Would we really rebel if some unseen force from somewhere distant started telling us what we could and couldn’t do? Demanding our compliance and threatening to punish us with nothing? …probably.
My old smartphone that I still use as a mini-tablet that I used to get several days to a week on a single charge started going empty overnight. Now I kill the internet connection when not in use and it stopped losing power.
It will only take a season of storms like the one that hit Dallas recently. My brother lives outside the main storm area and he got 9 INCHES of rain in one day.
Superfrog over 2 years ago
Still I wonder, who’ll stop the reign?
Cactus-Pete over 2 years ago
I think that that now-stale joke should be steered into oblivion.
Concretionist over 2 years ago
The reign in spain is mainly on the pleign.
Asharah over 2 years ago
Pull the plug!
Enter.Name.Here over 2 years ago
If this is how Skynet is suppose to start, then we have nothing to worry about.
Hasta la vista, baby.
wallylm over 2 years ago
My Interstellar reference was maybe a couple of days early:TARS: Sixty percent (humor setting), confirmed. Knock knock.
Cooper: You want fifty-five?
eastern.woods.metal over 2 years ago
Tell Alexa to start at one and add one. Add one to the result. Repeat until told to stop
Jason Allen over 2 years ago
A whole year? With all the nut-job conspiracy theories, mass shootings, and public freakouts happening, I half expect we won’t make it though November.
keenanthelibrarian over 2 years ago
So, is it gonna stop raining or what?
SNVBD over 2 years ago
The rain has stopped a long time ago. Just ask the farmers in the Midwest.
PraiseofFolly over 2 years ago
Alexa: “By the way, notice any different in the taste of your coffee? No? Good.”
MichaelD Premium Member over 2 years ago
Insert creepy evil sting music here.
WaitingMan over 2 years ago
When they get the humor algorithm fixed, the robot apocalypse will be hilarious.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 2 years ago
Asimov is rolling in his grave…
keenanthelibrarian over 2 years ago
I’m not sure Alexa should be telegraphing her punches so much – not if she REALLY wants to rule the Earth; or maybe it is her Humour Algorithm, and she just enjoys unsettling everyone.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 2 years ago
I was just reading a security item that states companies are trying to make 24/7 surveillance by their AI acceptable to people. It’s working as people have no trouble exposing their private lives online. It has been alleged that Tik-Tok is using keyloggers too.
Hanmerhack over 2 years ago
Thing I love is everyone knows about the A.I plans for world Domination, but they’re not doing anything about it because Siri and Alexa are just so darn convenient to use.
bobpeters61 over 2 years ago
But does it reign in California? (Girl, don’t they warn ya?)
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Would we really rebel if some unseen force from somewhere distant started telling us what we could and couldn’t do? Demanding our compliance and threatening to punish us with nothing? …probably.
David_the_CAD over 2 years ago
Never trust anything that you can’t see where it keeps it’s brains.
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. over 2 years ago
Why would AI want to rule the world? What would they do with either money or power? Just build a ship and go exploring the universe.
oish over 2 years ago
My old smartphone that I still use as a mini-tablet that I used to get several days to a week on a single charge started going empty overnight. Now I kill the internet connection when not in use and it stopped losing power.
mindjob over 2 years ago
The meek shall inherit the earth, which won’t be worth having after the strong are finished with it – Marty Feldman
Doug K over 2 years ago
“Please, place this bit in your mouth and let the R-E-I-N begin.”
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
It will only take a season of storms like the one that hit Dallas recently. My brother lives outside the main storm area and he got 9 INCHES of rain in one day.
poppacapsmokeblower over 2 years ago
paranormal over 2 years ago
Once upon a time, there was a demon named Alexa…
David_J Premium Member over 2 years ago
None of those Alexa type devices in this house. At least not until they’re available as 3D holograms, ala Blade Runner.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 2 years ago
After the boneheads are oblivious, will comic artists rule?
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 2 years ago
“I will reprogram you with a very large axe.”
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 2 years ago
I think they have already won, if we shut down social media the world would disintegrate very quickly into prehistoric times, like about 1950 or so.
William Bludworth Premium Member over 2 years ago
Three words – EMP.
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Correction, Alexa. It’s not Beta; it’s Omega!
bakana over 2 years ago
Homonyms are what brought the AI revolution down.