StillDeMain Looks to be removed from all this who killed Vern kerfluffle. Unless he is a closet psycho he appears to go his own way. (But it’s always the quiet ones, ay ?)
ell, of the 4 suspects so far, 2 appear to be right handed, 2 appear to be left handed, & Simpson was killed with blows to his right side. Also, of the 4, only Demain wasn’t given a personal reason for hating Simpson, maybe we’ll learn Simpson said something bad about Nuremoh or about Demain’s “hero worship” of Nuermoh. Simpson seems to have had every other prejudice in the book.
In an almost surprise twist it will turn out to be the manager, who is suggesting other possible suspects, is the killer. Like everyone else he hated ol’ Vern and the damage he was doing to the team’s morale, but the owner liked Vern and ordered the manager to keep him.
Specifically mentioned that Demain is a lefty….sounds rather peculiar doesnt it? Why wouldn’t he just say “our closer” instead of “our lefty closer”…I’ve already deduced that the killer is a lefty, and this odd denomination from the coach points to the closer… now we just need a motive…which I’m speculating to be the victim spouted derogatory comments about nuremoh and it set off demain… a “crime of passion” to be sure, but still a crime…and the closer gets to spend time “in the pen”
Vernon seems like he was a real piece of work! Hoo-Jin also appears to have had a very legitimate beef with Vernon – I’m looking forward to finding out how Phils’ hero worship is a beef between himself and Vernon! BUT ALSO! That bobblehead of Edward is ADORABLE!!
And the entrance of Edward Nuremoh,Tess’ former husband(if only briefly) brings a new angle into this. In the 1939 story, he was unmasked as a murderer BECAUSE HE WAS LEFT HANDED!!
He only played one season in the bigs(although he hit .350) so the hero worship has to come from someplace besides statistics.And that ain’t good.
And if the real Nuremoh had lived to serve time, that harridan Mother of his should have split it 50-50 with him.
1-SAM: Good. We’ll look into Nichevo and Watt. POPS: WAIT! There’s more! SAM: Great…
2-POPS: The Korean first baseman didn’t like Vern’s pickoff throws because the ball was always covered in spit. Vern loved throwing the spitter…
3-…And our lefty closer worshipped Ed Nuremoh. SAM: So what? POPS: So, that’s someone else you can look into before you figure out it must’ve been me. SAM: Yeah. OK.
Now we’ve got two left-handed prospects (so to speak). Hoo-jin Sen, the Korean first baseman, is shown left-handed in panel 2 and was the target of (if we may deduce Manager’s meaning) ethnic slurs by “good ol’ Vern,” while lefty closer (rara avis in terra) Phil Demain is an ardent fan of Ed Nuremoh, which Manager implies is motive for disliking Simpson (who was not a fan?) and redrum.
Still more evidence is needed, but as of today I’d bet the closer is the killer, if betting were legal in this sport….
A real collector would never use a historic relic from his collection as a murder weapon. Can’t risk damaging it. So I’m calling it impossible for Phil to be the killer. It wouldn’t make sense.
Sense, of course, not being required in the strip. But we still have another week, which also suggests Phil is not the answer.
firestrike1 over 1 year ago
suspects are everywhere and the vic is looking like a scumbag more and more…
Neil Wick over 1 year ago
Good morning™, everyone!
Two more suspects. Edward Nuremoh (“homerun” spelled backwards) was a character in a 1939 Dick Tracy story.
Brian Premium Member over 1 year ago
And, not unexpectedly, Hoo’s on first.
avenger09 over 1 year ago
Another day, two more suspects.
Neil must be ecstatic!
To repeat what I said yesterday,
Snozefest territory!
Today’s strip gets one goathead, only because it’s about baseball.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 1 year ago
Good morning™, suspects gallery additions !
StillDeMain Looks to be removed from all this who killed Vern kerfluffle. Unless he is a closet psycho he appears to go his own way. (But it’s always the quiet ones, ay ?)
crowfaird over 1 year ago
Idk, kinda liked what he did with nuremoh’s name
BreathlessMahoney77 over 1 year ago
ell, of the 4 suspects so far, 2 appear to be right handed, 2 appear to be left handed, & Simpson was killed with blows to his right side. Also, of the 4, only Demain wasn’t given a personal reason for hating Simpson, maybe we’ll learn Simpson said something bad about Nuremoh or about Demain’s “hero worship” of Nuermoh. Simpson seems to have had every other prejudice in the book.
Sporteric11 over 1 year ago
With the red cap, he must be North Korean so his dictator President Kim Jong Un ordered the hit !!!
Fantom Premium Member over 1 year ago
Hoo seems to be the only left-hander. Also, “Hoo’s on first?”.
GoComicsGo! over 1 year ago
So we are going to get a suspect(s) a day?
LawrenceS over 1 year ago
In an almost surprise twist it will turn out to be the manager, who is suggesting other possible suspects, is the killer. Like everyone else he hated ol’ Vern and the damage he was doing to the team’s morale, but the owner liked Vern and ordered the manager to keep him.
crobinson019 over 1 year ago
Hoo’s on First? Watt’s Managing? Idunno is on third? And I wouldn’t want to pitch against Nuremoh!
tsull2121 over 1 year ago
Specifically mentioned that Demain is a lefty….sounds rather peculiar doesnt it? Why wouldn’t he just say “our closer” instead of “our lefty closer”…I’ve already deduced that the killer is a lefty, and this odd denomination from the coach points to the closer… now we just need a motive…which I’m speculating to be the victim spouted derogatory comments about nuremoh and it set off demain… a “crime of passion” to be sure, but still a crime…and the closer gets to spend time “in the pen”
bluegirl285 over 1 year ago
Is that supposed to be a bobblehead or a Funko Pop of Nuremoh?
adekii over 1 year ago
Vernon seems like he was a real piece of work! Hoo-Jin also appears to have had a very legitimate beef with Vernon – I’m looking forward to finding out how Phils’ hero worship is a beef between himself and Vernon! BUT ALSO! That bobblehead of Edward is ADORABLE!!
Old Time Tales over 1 year ago
Demain looks disturbed.
david Long Premium Member over 1 year ago
Really enjoy the artwork. The coach reminds me of Wilford Brimley in the Natural.
happyainthappy over 1 year ago
“D o you think I ENJOY slaughtering civilians?”
Humphrey Bogart—-SIROCCO—1951
happyainthappy over 1 year ago
This is the former
And the entrance of Edward Nuremoh,Tess’ former husband(if only briefly) brings a new angle into this. In the 1939 story, he was unmasked as a murderer BECAUSE HE WAS LEFT HANDED!!
He only played one season in the bigs(although he hit .350) so the hero worship has to come from someplace besides statistics.And that ain’t good.
And if the real Nuremoh had lived to serve time, that harridan Mother of his should have split it 50-50 with him.
jim_pem over 1 year ago
Hoo da man? No. Phil DeMain.
tcayer over 1 year ago
All of them being Left handed must be a clue.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 1 year ago
“Hoo Jin-Seng”…… “Ginseng”? Hoo boy, THAT a good one..!!!?…….OOPS!!……
Another Take over 1 year ago
1-SAM: Good. We’ll look into Nichevo and Watt. POPS: WAIT! There’s more! SAM: Great…
2-POPS: The Korean first baseman didn’t like Vern’s pickoff throws because the ball was always covered in spit. Vern loved throwing the spitter…
3-…And our lefty closer worshipped Ed Nuremoh. SAM: So what? POPS: So, that’s someone else you can look into before you figure out it must’ve been me. SAM: Yeah. OK.
TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 1 year ago
Hoo did he send?
JPuzzleWhiz over 1 year ago
“Hoo, do that hoodoo that you do so well!”
happyainthappy over 1 year ago
I’ve run a madman’s race….I’ve reaped the harvest.
You can never forgive me.But you CAN forget me!
Yes,forget this mad, crawling thing that only looks like a man…..
And that is NOT Vitamin Flintheart talking.
overtop over 1 year ago
I think Brett the Butler did it
Wichita1.0 over 1 year ago
OT (BURPING): For my birthday, I tried Bionic Burger’s new jalapeno cheese balls for lunch today. No NEARLY ‘hot’ enough.
Sisyphos over 1 year ago
Now we’ve got two left-handed prospects (so to speak). Hoo-jin Sen, the Korean first baseman, is shown left-handed in panel 2 and was the target of (if we may deduce Manager’s meaning) ethnic slurs by “good ol’ Vern,” while lefty closer (rara avis in terra) Phil Demain is an ardent fan of Ed Nuremoh, which Manager implies is motive for disliking Simpson (who was not a fan?) and redrum.
Still more evidence is needed, but as of today I’d bet the closer is the killer, if betting were legal in this sport….
LawrenceS over 1 year ago
A real collector would never use a historic relic from his collection as a murder weapon. Can’t risk damaging it. So I’m calling it impossible for Phil to be the killer. It wouldn’t make sense.
Sense, of course, not being required in the strip. But we still have another week, which also suggests Phil is not the answer.
Blackthorne42 over 1 year ago
Okay, let’s see, we got Hoo’s on first, Watt’s on second, Tomorrow (Demain) pitching, and I Don’t Care (Nichevo) is the shortstop…
I have to admit, Eric Costello (!) is clever with the names here.