Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 13, 2024

  1. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  4 months ago

    america sucks.

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  2. Missing large
    dotbup  4 months ago

    From a Canadian:

    We don’t have prayer in schools, or the Ten Commandments, or God. We also don’t have dead kids.

    No Canadian child has ever died in a mass shooting in an elementary school.

    We have guns. What we don’t have is Republicans.

    American has to get rid of Republicans.

    jd vance telling you school shootings are a fact of life

    donald trump telling you to get over it

    Both standing behind bulletproof glass…

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  3. Sevasleeping
    Serial Pedant  4 months ago

    You also don’t have a 2nd Amendment, which enshrined the right to own muzzle-loading single-shot muskets, somewhat expanded to automatic weapons, and hand grenades, next. Don’t thank me; thank gun-crazed republicans.

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  4. Pirate63
    Linguist  4 months ago

    Extreme satire which the extremists on the Reich-wing will, per usual, not understand.

    Wickedly funny, Mr. Boling, but like Swift’s Modest Proposal, those being lampooned will not be amused.

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  5. Missing large  4 months ago

    Guns don’t kill people… gun culture does. In other words, the apparently pervasive ideas (at least in the US) that each individual must be armed to their ears to defend their dignity, honor or propriety, or to defend family and shared values, that they should be prepared to shoot their way out of (or into) any problem. This is the issue to address – stop the wild frontier mentality that it is every gun-holding individual for themself and their kids in school will not make the association: “I have a problem, therefore I need to shoot someone”.And yes, obviously, restricting access to guns (type and form of buying) is a necessary step in this change of mentality.

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  6. Great view up here
    comixbomix  4 months ago

    I have a brother-in-law who believes the 2nd Amendment protects private ownership of nuclear weapons.

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  7. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  4 months ago

    Boling’s comedy of the absurd is over the top. I get it, it just doesn’t quite land with me. Now let’s here the comments on how stupid I am and how racist and how I don’t care!

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  8. Youpidou
    rubber cat Premium Member 4 months ago

    Wow just imagine if American weapons were being used to blow up schools

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  9. 20220812 185624
    bilbrlsn  4 months ago

    The US is the country with the most mass shootings in the world.

    Among peer countries, the US has the highest gun rate death for children in the world. 6 per 100,000 as compared to number 2, Canada at 0.6.

    The US is the only country in the world where the primary cause of death among children and teens is gun death.

    Among US states, those states with the most stringent gun laws have the lowest rates of gun death. Those with the least gun regulation have the highest.

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  10. Avatar92
    JPuzzleWhiz  4 months ago

    I apologize in advance, but I can’t resist saying this:

    If I look into an unflushed toilet, will ICBM? d;o)

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  11. Missing large
    WaitingMan  4 months ago

    Oh, joy. Another GoComics gun control debate. Nothing I haven’t read hundreds of times before. I shall pass today.

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  12. Chicken
    evoroadster Premium Member 4 months ago

    Can I come live with you?

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  13. 1
    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    There is no question we have a problem with firearms in the U.S. that is not yet being addressed by our government. It must be done, and will, soon I hope.

    But I read the replies here, the stats of children killed here vs the rest of the world, how much more dangerous it is here than elsewhere and I have to ask questions. Why is there no mass exodus? Why do so many want to come here? Why are so many families trying to become citizens here?

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  14. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  4 months ago

    About as vicious satire as I’ve seen in a toon in many moons, rivaled only by Clay Jones on 9/11.

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  15. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  4 months ago

    By the way I’m a former moderate Republican who became a moderate independent when his party left him. I have firearms for hunting and I believe in common sense firearm laws—which a majority of people do. But bribery.

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  16. Large mmmmm    dark fluid makes me squishy
    Mmm. Love this Seasonal Affective Disorder roast!  4 months ago

    Thank you, Ruben, for doing a fine job conveying the current lunacy.

    I again wonder aloud: How many private, military-grade weapons stockpilers will reply, “You can have my personal-size thermonuclear device when you can sift it out of my hot, dead, radioactive, vaporized, former hands!”

    (Bumper stickers in the lobby for $1.99 — thanks for asking.)

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  17. Missing large
    larryculley  4 months ago

    Stupid ’toon. Plain stupid.

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  18. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member 4 months ago

    “The most deadly strike of an American school in over a month.”

    Those dozen words speak volumes.

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  19. Boris badenov
    thedogesl Premium Member 4 months ago

    On the plus side, it also destroyed any books remaining in the library.

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  20. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member 3 months ago

    There is no way that Jefferson et al could have know that we would have much more persuasive arguments for disarming the citizenry, and putting them at our mercy, than the monarchy’s “because I said so”.

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  21. The wanderer
    anomaly  3 months ago

    Fun new game: Outrun the Bomb Technician.

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  22. Photo
    Zesty  3 months ago

    “We are only advocating ownership of hydrogen weapons by law-abiding citizens. If someone commits a crime with one, he should get a stiff jail sentence.’” — Art Buchwald, 1979

    See also:



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  23. Amazing fox photos 25
    eddi-TBH  3 months ago

    I’m waiting for the first drone strike. For a sophisticated high tech society, America is way behind the curve.

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  24. A60d9b88 42df 4176 9e19 58ff3adf5129
    Cpeckbourlioux  3 months ago

    From an American ex-pat living in Europe since ‘85:This strip today and all the comments might be meaningful if the first panel wasn’t right out of weekly scenes in Gaza, in Ukraine…

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  25. Monet sunflowers
    jessebob42  3 months ago

    I used to think if some big preventable shooting happened to Congress or NRA staff members their tune might change a little. I’m not so sure about that now.

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  26. Coexistence
    Wit Memo Premium Member 3 months ago

    LOL at you clueless libs wanting to regulate weapons you know nothing about, like calling ICBMs weapons of war. Actually, there doesn’t have to be a declaration of war for the President to launch blah blah blah blah blah America must be awash in guns and no one must ever think anything can be done blah blah blah blah checkmate libs

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  27. Img 4475
    carlosrivers  3 months ago

    What frustrates me is that every time a hearing takes place, the people for gun control makes their case, very well too, but an NRA member will walk up to the podium and pretty much just say….2nd amendment…thank you very much, have a great day ladies and gentlemen. And the debate will just end there.

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  28. C8qq8guw0aac3et
    garethkb415 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Whether this is satire or reality depends on whether you think US kids are fundamentally more valuable than non-US kids

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  29. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  3 months ago

    After all, the Constitution protects the right for an armed militia to have intercontinental strategic strike capability. Doesn’t it?

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  30. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  3 months ago

    Thank goodness for the 90-minute “waiting period” as the missiles come over the pole.

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