A: No, but I would agree with your mother about the “strange visitor” part. B: Yes, and I blame punk for killing off glam-rock in the late 70’s. C: No, because we don’t have a comic book store in my town. D: No, I have never had a subscription to the newspaper, I have always taken them out of the neighbors recycling box when the put it out for pick up. E: Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it, I’m already being investigated by Family Services!
How about this? You’re a real fan if you buy two of every comic book issued; one for reading right now, and the other to save in mint condition for the future, to sell if you need money then.
The only comic book I ever read was Hot Rod Cartoons. Published from 1964-74. I have all of them, bagged and boarded, 61 issues. Not sure what I’ll do with them. I’ve been a comic strip fan since about age 5, every morning starts with GoComics and another, lesser site that has a few essentials.
At least one comic book says that you can read too many: Flaming Carrot was a regular person until he read 5,000 comic books in one sitting, which permanently affected his mind and he began appearing as The Flaming Carrot. Later he gathered the group “The Mystery Men” — second-tier heroes with mediocre powers, who still solved crimes.
GreasyOldTam about 1 month ago
I can’t tell if I’m weak and dizzy because of lack of food, or from staring at Power Girl. Come to think of it, those aren’t mutually exclusive.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 1 month ago
I don’t do any of those things, but I have been reading around 100 GoComics every day for more than a decade.
mokspr Premium Member about 1 month ago
A: No, but I would agree with your mother about the “strange visitor” part. B: Yes, and I blame punk for killing off glam-rock in the late 70’s. C: No, because we don’t have a comic book store in my town. D: No, I have never had a subscription to the newspaper, I have always taken them out of the neighbors recycling box when the put it out for pick up. E: Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it, I’m already being investigated by Family Services!
blunebottle about 1 month ago
Imagine about 1 month ago
What if it’s “All of the above”?
Jayalexander about 1 month ago
It keep me out of bars and pool rooms and chasing girls.
Me_ about 1 month ago
Comics are my only way to escape reality. It’s a safe heaven.
phritzg Premium Member about 1 month ago
How about this? You’re a real fan if you buy two of every comic book issued; one for reading right now, and the other to save in mint condition for the future, to sell if you need money then.
PraiseofFolly about 1 month ago
F. You flunked ‘Human Anatomy’ class, because you relied on the comic strip portrayals of male and female musculature and bone structure.
nosirrom about 1 month ago
G: You read all of the comics. Even the ones that think they’re funny, but they’re not.
Dobby53 Premium Member about 1 month ago
F. “Dress in women’s clothing and hang around in bars?”
The Reader Premium Member about 1 month ago
Uuuh… Just how extra busty are we talking about?
PraiseofFolly about 1 month ago
G. You ordered a ‘Sea Monkeys Kit’, ‘X-Ray Glasses’, and ‘Hypnotism Lessons’ from the comic books’ novelty products ads.
Cornelius Robinson Premium Member about 1 month ago
Is Power Girl the daughter of Luke Cage?
SofaKing Premium Member about 1 month ago
The only comic book I ever read was Hot Rod Cartoons. Published from 1964-74. I have all of them, bagged and boarded, 61 issues. Not sure what I’ll do with them. I’ve been a comic strip fan since about age 5, every morning starts with GoComics and another, lesser site that has a few essentials.
Claymore Premium Member about 1 month ago
At least one comic book says that you can read too many: Flaming Carrot was a regular person until he read 5,000 comic books in one sitting, which permanently affected his mind and he began appearing as The Flaming Carrot. Later he gathered the group “The Mystery Men” — second-tier heroes with mediocre powers, who still solved crimes.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 1 month ago
I didn’t get past the first qualification. What is this “underwear” of which you speak?
Packratjohn Premium Member about 1 month ago
John, you have our permission to grab ’em by the poseur…
Calvins Brother about 1 month ago
F. You have every issue of Mad Magazine because it’s real life.
ThreeDogDad Premium Member about 1 month ago
I learn more about life from reading the comics (and the comments) than I do from any other source.
Jml58 about 1 month ago
You have to travel to the comics store to get the comics.
mistercatworks about 1 month ago
I’m guessing you’ve read too many comic books when you start re-dialoging other’s comic books. :)
CrzyDyeman about 1 month ago
Whoever answers B never went through 80’s glam rock.
gcarlson about 1 month ago
NO CAPES!!!!! – Edna Mode (The Incredibles)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 1 month ago
The very IDEA!!
It is to laugh…ha, ha,HA.
(See, I told you so.)
MissyTiger about 1 month ago
“E.” should really be DD.