I can’t get over a US kid using the word “porridge” instead of oatmeal. We called it that, but my mom was Welsh…and we were considered weird. (We ate it with butter and salt instead of sugar and milk, too.)
Come on all you guys. The biggest clue is “the twisted fiend has too much time on his hands.” Ergo Hobbes. And don’t let a little reality get in the way of Hobbes being the culprit. This is the ‘funny pages’ after all.
Who sent the message? Hobbes, of course! Mom or Susie would never go there — it isn’t a girls’ thing to send that stuff. It’s Hobbes, that’s my bet! And of course, that means it’s ultimately Calvin, but in Calvin’s Universe, Hobbes ISN’T
Assuming Hobbes is the culprit; Calvin, who is the lifeblood of Hobbes, is actually sending those messages to himself. Can you say SCHIZOPHRENIA. He’d get along really well with SYBIL.
tuna1 about 12 years ago
I bet they’re from Susie.
Linux0s about 12 years ago
Hobbes is trying to keep a straight face…
rentier about 12 years ago
Mystery is growing!
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
It’s either Mom or Susie getting revenge on Calvin.
thirdguy about 12 years ago
Ewwwww, nice imagery NG!
margueritem about 12 years ago
I feel that the mystery will soon be solved.
Tog about 12 years ago
That would indeed be Calvinesque. His ADD tends to run rampant.
arye uygur about 12 years ago
Hobbes’ “straight face” is what Hobbes looks like when someone other than Calvin is around.
I also suspect that Calvin is sending these letters to himself; susie wouldn’t waste her time.
orinoco womble about 12 years ago
I can’t get over a US kid using the word “porridge” instead of oatmeal. We called it that, but my mom was Welsh…and we were considered weird. (We ate it with butter and salt instead of sugar and milk, too.)
Calvinesque about 12 years ago
It’s Hobbes. Revenge for everything Calvin has ever put him through.
bluram about 12 years ago
I smell a Mom and Susie conspiracy.
Phapada about 12 years ago
who is sent to Calvin ?
rpmurray about 12 years ago
Personally I hope it’s his arch-nemisis, the fiendish Baby-Sitter Girl aka Rosalyn
MickMaus about 12 years ago
I feel you are all leaving out the person most obviously needing revenge. Dad of course.
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
It’s obvious that Mom recognizes the handwriting…..she may also recognize the stamps.
ajsfguy about 12 years ago
Come on all you guys. The biggest clue is “the twisted fiend has too much time on his hands.” Ergo Hobbes. And don’t let a little reality get in the way of Hobbes being the culprit. This is the ‘funny pages’ after all.
Chris Kenworthy about 12 years ago
@orinoco wombleWould american kids use ‘oatmeal brain’ as an insult, though?
brick10 about 12 years ago
Hobbes is trying very hard to look “innocent.”
meihong about 12 years ago
Who sent the message? Hobbes, of course! Mom or Susie would never go there — it isn’t a girls’ thing to send that stuff. It’s Hobbes, that’s my bet! And of course, that means it’s ultimately Calvin, but in Calvin’s Universe, Hobbes ISN’T
cookies333 about 12 years ago
It has to be Hobbes!
sonnygreen about 12 years ago
Assuming Hobbes is the culprit; Calvin, who is the lifeblood of Hobbes, is actually sending those messages to himself. Can you say SCHIZOPHRENIA. He’d get along really well with SYBIL.
Commentator about 12 years ago
I’m surprised how many people don’t realize it has to be Hobbes. It would be out of character for mom or Susie.
lazygrazer about 12 years ago
I think a certain stuffed animal is guilty until proven innocent…
Number Three about 12 years ago
Really, Mum?
It’s really nice to get so much (hate) mail?
LOL xxx
ronpolimeni about 12 years ago
I think the little lunatic is sending them himself.
kmwtigger about 12 years ago
Porridge Brain sounds like something Hobbes wold say, but imaginary tigers cannot mail real letters. . . .My bet is on Susie.
vapidskunk about 12 years ago
You realize these are reprints, right? You can speculate all you want, but some of us know the answers.
phoenixnyc about 12 years ago
MOE!!!!!!!!.The least likely suspect!
Vonne Anton about 12 years ago
I think Dogsniff wrote it…
Jules934 about 12 years ago
Does the Twisted Fiend have any glue in his plush?
bmonk about 12 years ago
Another letter to stoke the fires of Calvin’s wrath!
ratlum about 12 years ago
I notice Mom seems to be enjoying the job of mailman ,she might be in the ???
maybeinthenextworld about 12 years ago
why do I give valuable to time to people who I’d much rather kick in the eye?
Popeyesforearm about 12 years ago
If I remember right, and that’s a long shot, he’s writing them himself via Hobbes. The kids mind is a fantasy world turned inside out.
crmetarick about 12 years ago
If course it’s Hobbes doing it. He likes to play games with Calvin.
Puddleglum2 about 12 years ago
It’s a ‘gruelling’ experience for Calvin.
calvinsfriend110 about 12 years ago
I love his expression in Panel 3!
writchey1 about 12 years ago
he wrote them himself
bmonk about 12 years ago
Calvin’s dad—or a story version—got stuck in the basement eating mice and gruel.
Hellodevraj about 12 years ago
@Dukedoug“British empire….like India” !!You’re sitting on a different planet brother!
thomright about 12 years ago
chbn✔️ about 5 years ago
His expression in panels 1, 2, and 3 is hilarious.