Man with decades of pizzeria experience: Failure! Dumbo who’s had everything in life handed to him on a silver pizza platter without doing anything BUT LIKES COMICAL BOOKS: All the SUCCESS! Author who literally has no idea what a “Gary Stu” is: One extra year of syndication. Tom, just change the strip’s name to “PETEY GODLIKEBEING” and make it official.
Nice off-model art on Mournday there. If her face gets any longer, she’ll be fighting Ripley in her P-5000 Powered Work Loader. “Get away from Crankshaft, Westview B—!”
“Montoni’s is back, and then some! It’s the bee’s knees! We’re full of Moxie! I’m unclear whether it’s the cat’s meow or the cat’s pajamas, but let’s drink some Ovaltine and listen to Fibber McGee and Molly on the radio, then hit the hay!” Mindy: “Boy, am I bushed! Also: 23 Skidoo!” (Yes, I know it could be worse. Even Tommy knows not to say “FLEEK, fam! Let’s yeet some TikToks!”)
We finish December and Crankshaft has been shown in eleven strips—-although he only spoke in 5 of them. Still, he managed to appear more often than Lil (ten strips). But less frequently than Funky (12 strips) and waaaaaaaaay less than Mopey Pete and Minty, who showed up in 22 of the 31 strips of December.
Amazing was all it took to revive a failing pizzeria was to close it, then reopen a year later looking exactly the same, with the exact same menu, and it’s not driving all other restaurants in the area out of business.
Where’s The Pizza Box Monster? How come he gets to be half or part owner and not have to do any work except rake in the dough (pun intended)? With all this success he can probably afford to upgrade his box clothing.
“Oh, well!! You’ll just have to work a LOT harder, Mindy! See you next week, I’m off to a comic book convention. And get the mop, looks like a kid just barfed all over Table 8.”
J.J. O'Malley 12 months ago
Why is the green pitcher blue?
J.J. O'Malley 12 months ago
“I don’t think I’ve had a moment to sit down since we reopened! Do you think it’s possible we might need to hire a third person to work here?”
Bill Thompson 12 months ago
Well, Mopey, you’ll be too busy to do any comic-book work . . . you’re right, I don’t see a downside to this either.
Bill Thompson 12 months ago
The good thing about those silhouette frames is that they prove somebody took Introduction to Art back in school. I wonder if it was Batiuk or Davis?
Kitty Queen 12 months ago
Being in the restaurant business is hard work
benjnavarro28 12 months ago
Just noticed there’s a pic of John Darling in the background of the last panel
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member 12 months ago
Welcome to reality, doofuses.
Blu Bunny 12 months ago
Wait till they do the books and see their net profit in the form of pocket change.
billsplut 12 months ago
Man with decades of pizzeria experience: Failure! Dumbo who’s had everything in life handed to him on a silver pizza platter without doing anything BUT LIKES COMICAL BOOKS: All the SUCCESS! Author who literally has no idea what a “Gary Stu” is: One extra year of syndication. Tom, just change the strip’s name to “PETEY GODLIKEBEING” and make it official.
billsplut 12 months ago
Nice off-model art on Mournday there. If her face gets any longer, she’ll be fighting Ripley in her P-5000 Powered Work Loader. “Get away from Crankshaft, Westview B—!”
billsplut 12 months ago
“Montoni’s is back, and then some! It’s the bee’s knees! We’re full of Moxie! I’m unclear whether it’s the cat’s meow or the cat’s pajamas, but let’s drink some Ovaltine and listen to Fibber McGee and Molly on the radio, then hit the hay!” Mindy: “Boy, am I bushed! Also: 23 Skidoo!” (Yes, I know it could be worse. Even Tommy knows not to say “FLEEK, fam! Let’s yeet some TikToks!”)
grozar 12 months ago
ladykat 12 months ago
If the restaurant does well, it’ll pay your rent/mortgage, and maybe have a little extra left over.
rockyridge1977 12 months ago
……Success…….first week????
tcayer 12 months ago
“Since WE reopened?” Technically, you just opened, because you never had a business before.
Trespassers W 12 months ago
We finish December and Crankshaft has been shown in eleven strips—-although he only spoke in 5 of them. Still, he managed to appear more often than Lil (ten strips). But less frequently than Funky (12 strips) and waaaaaaaaay less than Mopey Pete and Minty, who showed up in 22 of the 31 strips of December.
Fetzee 12 months ago
It’s funny because Mopey is forgetting
DawnQuinn1 12 months ago
Ed Crankshaft is not the only character in this comic. Sometimes the writer features other characters.
Mopman 12 months ago
Amazing was all it took to revive a failing pizzeria was to close it, then reopen a year later looking exactly the same, with the exact same menu, and it’s not driving all other restaurants in the area out of business.
WilliamVollmer 12 months ago
The downside is finding personal time for you and Mindy. Or, even for you to keep up with what you now intend to be your side gig, drawing comics.
Where's The Pizza Box Monster? 12 months ago
Where’s The Pizza Box Monster? How come he gets to be half or part owner and not have to do any work except rake in the dough (pun intended)? With all this success he can probably afford to upgrade his box clothing.
grozar 12 months ago
Mopey Peat looks… unwell.
be ware of eve hill 12 months ago
Aw, poor Mopey Pete. Being an unmitigated success at everything you do must be a real burden. /s
World leaders should ask you to create world peace.
Mopey Pete: Hold my apron.
be ware of eve hill 12 months ago
It’s time to put away your Montoni’s play set, Mr. Batiuk, and move on. Can we please return to our regularly scheduled Crankshaft now? Please?!
Doctor Toon 12 months ago
If business is good they can hire help
With any luck there are some unused Funkyverse characters looking for work
Daltongang Premium Member 12 months ago
And welcome to the Adult World of entrepreneurship. Hang on, it’s gonna be a bumpy voyage.
David Rickard Premium Member 12 months ago
You have to keep doing it… every day… for the rest of your life… until cancer (or maybe CTE) brings you the sweet, sweet relief of death.
sueb1863 12 months ago
“Oh, well!! You’ll just have to work a LOT harder, Mindy! See you next week, I’m off to a comic book convention. And get the mop, looks like a kid just barfed all over Table 8.”
ToneeRhianRose 2 months ago
That’s the upside. The downside is if ppl stop coming.