Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 29, 2014
Brad: "You were so high on this food truck. What happened?" TJ: "A zillion other food trucks happened, that's what" TJ: "I kept changing my menu to stay unique, but that just turned off customers. Then Quill left. Now I'm stuck in this truck all day with nothin' to do. I hate it" Brad: "So you gonna sell it?" TJ: "Yeah. Hey! Wanna buy it? It's a great business!!"
JayBluE over 10 years ago
He sounds just like the classifieds….
“Previously enjoyed vehicle is ‘veteran savvy’, ’proven great for touring and will leave one with a great summery, citrus-like impression!” (=“This lemon has been a lot of places….”)
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Competition in the feeding business sure is no laughing matter if you ask me.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
NOT!!!!!!!! (to the “Great business”) =-O
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
…and the stomach burns… ;)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“This Truck Stops Here”“Supplies And Demands”“The Thrill Is Gone….” (♫)“Of Mice And Menus”“Soured By The Lack Of Dough”“Downward Mobile-ity”“Mission Statement: Classified "“Time To Stop Making The Donuts”or“Trucks And Patties Don’t Flip Themselves”
….or as a little Brd once said: “They Don’t Want Goulash in this Gulag”
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Of Course (!) I like “‘Of Mice And Menus’” Heheheheh… Squeak! ;)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
LOL! In either plain…. or 100% fancy free….
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: frozen…make sure it is the unsalted kind…or, make it directly from spinach that’s already frozen! ;)
Scott Stevenson over 10 years ago
Seeing TJ turn it around that quickly reminded me of something I heard British comedienne Holly Walsh say when she was being shown flats…
One of them was pretty rough, and she remarked to the agent showing it that it was “a real s&#$hole”. He looked at her, smiled, and said “Yeah…but it could be your s&#@hole!”
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
All you need is a new name, “TJ’s Whine and Cheese To Go.”
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
I know this is off-topic (well, maybe not That off-topic as one of the “Luann” characters might read it…), but why aren’t there “comments” on the “9 Chkweed” comic? ;)
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
TJ’s Ptomaine Truck will never ride again?
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
My hub will be glad to furnish a drill…he has many! ;)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Not that TJ would cheat a friend …
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: TJ insurance on truck…hey, Brdshtt, you’ve got something there! Perhaps one certain food cart will go bouncing down a hill by “accident”… =-O
JayBluE over 10 years ago
""T.J. and work do not mix well." ^Or to add to that, TJ and “non-easy money” do not mix well….
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Interesting And funny!!! ;)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I guess that’s a bit better than my idea of him getting shut down by the health inspector (on purpose). Fraud A La Mode…..
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: grease fires! Yes, and one would give Brad’s FD station something to do! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
LOL about the “Fraud Flambe!” ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: watching Teej’s cart burn…I’ll bet he’d Really like that! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Has Luann ever had cats? I just discovered a GC comic named “Ten Cats”… Its funny in a sweet sort of way… ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
I’m not familiar with “Cafe Dog”…guess I’ll wander over there, too! ;)
Editman over 10 years ago
Not here in Vancouver, some of our trucks have world famous items.
Editman over 10 years ago
Just like when Andy Taylor bought Mayberry’s first coin operated laundry, and made more bubbles than a Lawrence Welk episode.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Hahahaha! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: “Cuddles”…thanks! It’d be Great if someone links it over! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: food carts in SD…there are quite a few here. They seem prosperous enough. Most of them are made-from-scratch Mexican-food food carts, but I’ve seen one food cart selling Polish food! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Yikes! I have to get up in six hours!!! ‘Nite all! ;)-————————————————————————“The rain it raineth on the just And also on the unjust fella: But chiefly on the just because The unjust steals the just’s umbrella."( Lord Bowen, 1835-1894)
kenhense over 10 years ago
TJ – Sell it to AE – She needs a job! (AE was too interesting to disappear forever – bring her back somehow).
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Grumpy and discouraged TJ sure turned his attitude around when he sensed a possible mark. I hope Brad doesn’t fall for TJ’s pitch! At a minimum, he’d better confer with Toni before doing anything stupid!
Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Ah, Here It COMES. The Inevitable Con. And Just Think, Bradley: Your “Best Friend” will only Charge You TRIPLE what HE Paid for the Business.
Brad? Why Don’t You Surprise Us All, and PUNCH This Parasite Right in the Face?
And You Smiley? After You Come to, Why Don’t YOU go into a profession More SUITED to You? Like a Used Car Salesman, Lawyer, or better still, a Carpet Bagging, Scumbag, Politician?
The “District” Awaits….,
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Definitely a “caveat emptor” moment here, Brad. You have a wedding to deal with. You don’t need to be catering it yourself, either! :-)
One thing though… If TJ does sell the truck, unless someone like Knute buys it (lots of luck there), it will result in one less place for the “gang” to gather so al can make appearances together, especially if Lu continues on her path to Pitts CC and everyone else is at Mooney. All they’d have left is Weenie World, or some place similar.
I’m guessing they think the “food truck” thing has gone beyond it’s value to the strip. So they’re looking for TJ to get into something else… (hopefully not to interfere with Brad/Toni’s Wedding plans)…
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 10 years ago
That’s the entrepreneurial system. Others probably will come along with the same idea. Not everyone will make it, and not everyone can be the best. Some ‘make it’ more readily than others. It’s part skill, part ingenuity, part luck and timing, and part big hopes. No promises are made. Some cheat and game the system, but even without that, the free market is tough and challenging. Maybe TJ just needs a brainstorm- some angle other than menu tweaks.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago
“The real question: what and where next for TJ”?____________________________________
Well, I Hear the disease carrying, mosquito infested jungles of Pe-Ru are Nice this time of year.
We could do a Prisoner Exchange and Swap Gunther (who’s being Held by Shining Path Guerillas) with Old Smiley.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
“Loooo-sy! You deed whaat weeth the money I was going to use to buy costumes for my band?”“Ay! ¿Cómopodíasertantonto?”
Callie Ray over 10 years ago
Two words: Ann Eiffel. If she’s trying to demoralize T.J. into giving up the business, then he shouldn’t give up without a fight. P.S., hire a lawyer because it’ll get ugly.
Argy.Bargy2 over 10 years ago
ACTIVIST1234 over 10 years ago
Dave53 -
thanks for getting my attempt to be snide yesterday. Last night I felt bad for it because FEd had made some really cool suggestions as to how we could all use free time.*But then B.S. took me seriously, thinking I was actually praising FEd’s “insightful” comments on Nancy. So, as Underdog, I done it right!
ACTIVIST1234 over 10 years ago
B.S. – You had me snookered!*Actually, I’m usually so deadly servious and earnest and straight-ahead, people in real life never get my jokes, unless I precede them with a “joke alert”. I’ve a sad, sad life! ;)
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
This reminds of Small Town America where a young, naive 20-something man bought a taxi service from a very dishonest person he thought he knew and trusted. Then he quit his fairly okay day job. None of the taxis worked well. Eventually, he had to borrow a rusted Mercury Comet from someone he knew who drove it into town to do shopping because his last operating taxi had broken down. He shut the doors of the only taxi service in the county, moved his family out of state, got a job in another Small Town America and has been there ever since. ~DON’T DO IT, BWAD!!!!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
“He shouldn’t have run all the words together like that”-——————————————-Then you’ve never heard Ricky’s Spanish.Less roughly, it should be:How could YOU be so foolish?Followed by:“Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Rickyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”
3pibgorn9 over 10 years ago
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Trueevery daybut we love ye
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Thanksi caught the how and tonto fool or crazy but hadn’t figured out the middle parts
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
But are you serious about jokingor joking about jokingor joking about being serious?
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
I read Luann first.
Then I go back and read two or three days previous of Luann.
Then, I come back to the current day’s Luann.
I have about 12 comics in my list that I follow daily. I list them and read them in this order:
1) Dilbert
2) Peanuts Classics
3) Andy Capp
4) BC
5) Close to Home (closest I’ve seen to “The Far Side”.. which I dearly miss)…
6) Garfield
7) Non Sequitur
8) Rose is Rose
9) Shoe
10) Wizard of ID
11) LuannAgainn
12) Luann (best for last)
I’d also read Beetle Bailey if it weren’t King Features… (and, thus, cost $$$ to subscribe).. :)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Sometimes a new business closes soon after starting because the entreprenwhatever realized he didn’t like all the headaches involved.Other times, he realizes he enjoys it and opens even more.Some folks near me sold lumber for years. People kept wanting nails, cement and other building supplies, so they started to carry that.Then they decided to open a small store in town, away from their sawmill.Then they decided to enlarge their new hardware store.Then they decided it wasn’t all THAT much extra paperwork to open another hardware store 15 miles away to the west, then another 15 miles away to the east, then another, then another.Then they closed their sawmill but seem to be doing well for the most part. Some other chain might drive them under or buy them out eventually or they might lose interest and close or … who knows?.They may decide to expand into a related field — and the entire building industry is related. The main thing for them is that they know how.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Pore thang.It’s a hard knock life.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Not in several decadesAll I can do to keep you and ReallyBad straight.
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Strange, I’ve been reading it on the site for free.
Hmmmm… seems they cut a deal with King Features to “feature” their comics. Thanks!
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
Ya, think?
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
.I guess that some body wanted their French fries well done. Just say’in.
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
you can see BB thu any site that has King Features’ Comics Kingdom as their comics page ( check newspaper sites) … I read it for free every day.
Which that site seems to be, thanks to JPuzzleWhiz.
lynnskay over 10 years ago
I read Drabble. Guess we are a minority here.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Really wished there could be some “Far Side” reruns (at least) or some new Dilbert……