Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 16, 2010
Secretary: Excuse me, sir, but there's a new financial crisis brewing out there. Obama: Sigh... now what? Secretary: The military option didn't work on the Ekert, so the scourge of niceness is spreading faster. Obama: Uh... how is niceness a scourge? Secretary: People are starting to practice what they preach, so crime is plummeting and lawsuits aren't being filed... Obama: So? What's wrong with tha... oh... now there's a million unemployed lawyers, right? Secretary: Yes, sir... and they can't all become fiction writers... Meanwhile, at the White House... eek! To be continued eeeek!
revtry over 14 years ago
Nothing good and nice can be appreciated by the white house’s current occupant.
dataweaver over 14 years ago
As I asked yesterday: please tone down the political rhetoric; I get enough of it elsewhere.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
That’s tooooo bad. I’m all choked up….NOT!
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Okay, so here’s an efficient solution: shot all the out-of-work lawyers and use them for Soylent Green!
(Hey, I didn’t claim it was a nice solution!)
Nebulous Premium Member over 14 years ago
@Sisyphos: Won’t work. False advertising. Soylent Green is People!
If the Niceness is spreading and people are practicing what they preach, then they should be nice enough to provide charity to support those poor, socially maladjusted ex-lawyers who have no marketable skills to support themselves with.
Can't Sleep over 14 years ago
A million unemployed lawyers…?
Think about it.
A million lawyers, picking up trash on the sides of the interstates, or bagging groceries, or greeting us at the drive-through windows with, “You want fries with that?”
And the grateful American people would sweep the incredibly popular president to a second, and maybe a third term!
(Yes, I know about the amendment limiting the president to two terms; sack a million lawyers and we’d repeal it, just as Republicans wanted to repeal it so Reagan could run for a third time.)
John Lennon could’ve written a song about it!
“Imagine all those lawyers, unemployed for a day… Ooo-oo-oo-oo. You may say I’m just a dreamer…”
Frankr over 14 years ago
Dataweaver: Do not try to control the comments. Let people have their say.
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
There’s nothing political about this comic! Stop it! Stop this political rhetoricking at once! Pay no attention to the man behind the workload!
wndrwrthg over 14 years ago
Today’s installment is not political. It is a slam against that favorite whipping boy (until you need one), lawyers. The president is merely shown trapped between the Charybdis and the Scylla.
ImaginaryFriend over 14 years ago
I would think, with all the hot air coming from Obama’s mouth, that the Ekert will be heading there soon. Then it will head to Texas to deal with Bush, and then Bill & H….
runar over 14 years ago
What do you call a million lawyers at the bottom of Lake Michigan? A start.
hawgowar over 14 years ago
Lawyers, whether employed or not, should be used to make dog food.
hildigunnurr Premium Member over 14 years ago
Suppose The Prez is deadly afraid of what all those unemployed lawyers could think of doing in their free time…
Dataweaver - not everyone reads the same comics as you do. If you don’t like the strip or the comments, well stop reading!
PhantomPlumber over 14 years ago
Gosh - a million lawyers without suits or briefs. There’s a nasty thought!
pawnraider over 14 years ago
Why can’t they become fiction writers? Ever see some of the lawsuits they put together?
harrietbe over 14 years ago
The spammers are really out tonight!
I’d trade unemployed lawyers for a peaceful world where people practiced what they preached. Lawyers are smart. They’d find a way to make a living. Ekert… we need you!
cdward over 14 years ago
^My only fear is that those unemployed lawyers would forsake fiction writing for spamming! Imagine an extra million spammers!
peter0423 over 14 years ago
More likely the million unemployed lawyers will go into politics, and then we’ll all be in the soup. (It may be what John Adams, the second POTUS, had in mind when he remarked late in life that “one useless man is a shame, two useless men are a law firm, and three useless men are a Congress.”)
earodrig Premium Member over 14 years ago
Um, no one has noted that the current occupant of the White House IS a lawyer (or at least has a law degree and has been a professor of constitutional law). FYI, I think he’s cuter and smarter than the previous occupant, and his books are very well written. He could probably write fiction when he leaves his current position in 2017.
grapfhics over 14 years ago
unemployed lawyers and they’re not unionized? Oh right, the ABA. NOw I remember that’s a good union.
WaitingMan over 14 years ago
The truly worthless people are those who congratulate themselves for flagging spammers.
gedias over 14 years ago
I see “The Office Temp” has made his appearance.
Yukoneric over 14 years ago
Fiction writers? Oh, that’s what they were all along………………
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Scatty, that’s where a lot of them are now, so think of the implications to the new laws written…Lawyer bailouts!!!!
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
And Kirk raises his eyes to heaven and SCREAMS , “GRISHAM!!!!!!!”
Aryalover over 14 years ago
Flagged two spammers also.
PoppaBob Premium Member over 14 years ago
Maybe all those lawyers could become cartoonists, then we could all spend the entire day reading the “funnies”.
rotts over 14 years ago
wolfcookie over 14 years ago
Seems the Ekert needs to pay a visit to this string. Agree with Data for the most part. It’s a comic and the punch line wasn’t political. Oh, and lawyers are people, too. Killing them off isn’t nice. The suggestion was made “If you don’t like the strip or the comments, well stop reading”. The actual remedy is that I will look elsewhere for the comic.
Justice22 over 14 years ago
A necessary evil that is unemployed? Let them live on their unemployment benefits for a while.
1084897 over 14 years ago
Dataweaver - you can always choose to read something else
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Some lawyers are nice When I was young and poor, my lawyer charged $10 to marry me to my beloved A few years later he charged me $$ ^$^*(()) to divorce the evil witch
See, he thought only of me when I was down
jackmatt over 14 years ago
What do call it when a busload of lawyers goes over a cliff with one empty seat?
A tragedy..
Hoomi over 14 years ago
“…they can’t all become fiction writers.” Say, Wiley… do you happen to be a fan of Terry Brooks?
(For those that don’t know, Brooks left a career as a lawyer to become a full time writer. He’s one of the more successful fantasy/sci-fi writers out there right now)
david5992 over 14 years ago
At least lawyers are more useful than spammers. Maybe not a whole lot more useful, but at least a little more.
captainedd over 14 years ago
Don’t put those lawyers in Lake Michigan, people have to drink that water…
alan.gurka over 14 years ago
I’m sure they could keep busy running for political office.
Dtroutma over 14 years ago
Basic civility is a rare bird. Calling many (but not all) lawyers vultures disrespects the birds that actually clean up our environment and PREVENT the spread of disease. Lawyers as fiction writers will always do a bang-up business as campaign managers. While it does seem a curse at times, LEGISLATORS do write LAWS, and having a background and training in the law SHOULD mean we get laws that comply with the Constitution. Well, there is the Patriot Act, and Military Commissions Act, neither of which were breathed upon by the Ekert.
runninanreadin over 14 years ago
Methinks Wiley went here for THAT one…(and it’s STILL a good strip…go figure…lol)
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 14 years ago
OH NO !!! This will also cripple Boeing who makes those neat weapons we export in a crisis if there are no more wars either
keechum over 14 years ago
Worst type of advertising - imposing on someone else’s work place just to be cheep. I’d go barefooted before buying anything from them.
Bargrove over 14 years ago
Again, the spammers were flagged 8 hours ago. Why is Gocomics sucking up to them? Could it be greed?
Spyderred over 14 years ago
Gocomics itself uses at least two pop-up ads, one of which is a full page and which forces itself by moving the active screen to the ad. Given that, I doubt there is much zeal at Gocomics to actually bar spammers. The rub with GC is that they haven’t paid GC to allow the spam. Or maybe they have and it’s just a little game GC plays with the readers. After all, to decide it is a spam you have to at least have scanned the content.
lin4869 over 14 years ago
I’m on the edge of my seat in anticipation of where this arc is headed. Thanks, Wiley!
coot31 over 14 years ago
Niceness is spreading and soon we’ll all be bored to death. Fighting evil, or committing evil makes life worth living. (don’t take me too literally. I’m just rambling.) And everyone hates lawyers until they need one to get them out of a jam. Personally, I hate real estate agents/salesmen/brokers…Gotta go! There’s this strange, winged, elephant-like creature outside my window….
marvee over 14 years ago
The ekert is truly needed here. Let’s quit bashing anyone including each other.
bmonk over 14 years ago
If niceness is spreading, after the lawyers are out of work, next will be the clergy and ministers, then most of the emergency room staffs, lots of bartenders.
You know what?
The ekert caused the recent recession!!!runar over 14 years ago
Hoomi, I was unaware that Brooks had been a lawyer before he turned to writing. That may explain why his books always bored me into insensibility with each turned page.
dfowensby over 14 years ago
how about let’s get back to this being a fun strip, and staying off the op-ed page. i still say what’s needed here is a cap’n eddie intervention.
sthakrar over 14 years ago
bmonk, it all makes sense now!
vldazzle over 14 years ago
My brother was a lawyer, so I know how evil they can be… Premium Member over 14 years ago
I don’t usually complain about spammers but this is the second day in a row that there is more spam here than comments, it is 11:32 at night and folks have been complaining about it all day. What’s the problem with getting it removed?
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
12:25 lindz an we are still up to our ears in it.
harmgb over 14 years ago
I’ll be a proud anti spammer poster as long as there is spam. Looks like this strip is the most in need of flaggers…..
smizzlybob over 14 years ago
How did they trap the Ekert the first time? Did Cpt. Eddie do it somehow?