Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 09, 2016
Ned: You might want to rethink your anoesis news services, Eddie. Eddie: Why? Ned: The government has been tracing the source of the fake news posted on social media to sway the election, and a lot leads back to Russia, so they might be investigating you now. Eddie: But I don't write fake news. Ned: It'd help the credibility of your "Elvis living with a Bigfoot Family" story if you have a few pictures. Eddie: They'ah both very camera-shy.
Can't Sleep about 8 years ago
Is Russia responsible for the fake new stories that were in The Enquirer, too? (Like “Russia Will Attack US if Hillary Wins” and other classics)
Oh, wait… that’s anti-social media.
somebodyshort about 8 years ago
My ex- sister-in-law spent some time in Washington. Got invited to a couple of snob parties. She’s quote some outrageous position. When she was challenged she would reply " It’s on the front page of the National Enquirer" and turn away in a huff. It usually took the sap a while to realize he’d been spoofed.
somebodyshort about 8 years ago
The fake news was just a cover so the Russians could manipulate the voting machines. Trump was right. The election was rigged. He just didn’t expect it to be rigged in his favour.
somebodyshort about 8 years ago
Ten minutes with “Photoshop” and he’ll have the proof. Anyone remember the video clip of the eagle snatching the baby.
Proginoskes about 8 years ago
“Elvis living with a Bigfoot family” … Reminds me of the neighbors next door when I lived in Georgia.
dadoctah about 8 years ago
It’s recently been established that just about everything you read in the news is probably fake. I know this is true, because I read it in the news.
Hey, wait a minute….
Toonerific about 8 years ago
Turns out the Martians are invisible to the human eyes … and robots … but they’re here now and …
gmartin997 about 8 years ago
Hilary is calling it an epidemic.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
Are now to understand that people are too lacking in intelligence to sift and winnow, and should be overseen by an elite group of the more intelligent and morally correct non-deplorable persons of greater nobility who are more qualified to make choices for the public than they are for themselves?
That sounds lovely. I hear fiefdoms are the new freedom.
I blame Trump, though. If he had done half the fund-raising that Hillary had, we could still be blaming money in politics and not wading into the morass of news manipulation in the absence of any basis for our preferred hobby horse.
sandpiper about 8 years ago
Actually, Eddie is just practicing a right we all have: to say what we want to say, when we feel like saying it. What we say doesn’t have to make sense. It’s just something we get to do. If somebody else takes it as gospel without applying reasonable judgement, then they deserve what they get.
whiteheron about 8 years ago
Can’t we all just get along?
Psshshshshsh ! What the heck was I thinking?
Lenavid about 8 years ago
Russia? Try our own Alphabet agencies that had enough of the Clinton corruption.
Varnes about 8 years ago
whiteheron, who would have thought that the person who asked the most poignant question of the 20th century, (All those stinking wars and massacres, many other abominations and other stuff.)….would be a poor guy that got beaten badly by police and then said, after people dozens of people had died in riots….“Can’t we all just get along?”…It makes you think, doesn’t it….
diverleo about 8 years ago
To all those still pushing the “He’s-a-racist!” narrative: We’re all racist. It’s just a matter of recognizing it within yourself and dealing with it. And, if you think all the White people who voted for Trump did so because they’re racist, that’s not only ridiculous but, racist as well. See? You can’t escape.
starcandles Premium Member about 8 years ago
They will not admit defeat. First, it was the alt-right, a new term coined by the Dems. Then, it was WikiLeaks. Then, the Russians. Now, it is the new term coined by the Dems, “Fake news”, which is anything they do not agree with. President-elect Trump, be careful & watch your back with those traitors. They are not going down gracefully. They are corrupt, lying back stabbers, & Soros will not let this pass without retribution.
ChukLitl Premium Member about 8 years ago
I knew a very large very furry guy who spent the Vietnam war in the wilds of British Columbia. Probably accounts for at least some of the sightings.
Ermine Notyours about 8 years ago
Better get into sponsoring news instead of creating it yourself. Call it the Anoesis News Underwriting Service.
Waddling Eagle about 8 years ago
None of the fake news turned out to be from Russia. That report was traced to the Washington Post, which made it up. In other words, fake news about fake news.
Varnes about 8 years ago
Ben, thanks to the sucking up to him by Trumpypoo, Putin is our new leader. Trump is to Putin as Mussolini was to Hitler….Look up the term “Authoritarian Leader” And you’ll find a definition of Trump…He’s not the first dirtbag to try it…But any American that is not deathly afraid of the future, with Trump, deserves what they get…And it doesn’t look good……..
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Your response was hardly helpful. No name calling here, it is one of the Laws that Gocomics goes by.
dabugger about 8 years ago
Obviously Eddie did not write recent news; but maybe it was that strange guy with the funny mustache and his goose stepping friends and their bent symbol flags.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Someone who knows the history of news media far better than i today mentioned to me some salient points in relation to lack of fact checking and purposeful spread of disinformation.
There are historical precidents related to changes in media technology which are echoed in today’s abuse of internet “information”. In the past they were related to the cost of printing.
Shortly after the advent of the printing press people were able to get information from sources other than rumor, houses of worship, and governments. Some of what was expressed was inspirational and worthy of real thought. Most was garbage.
Then starting in the eighteen hundreds until a while after WWI there was a profusion of small newspapers when it became economically feasible to create those. They tended to be closely aligned with the political parties and sometimes religions of the day, both of which were expanding in number and type, and for the most part a hefty percentage were propaganda sheets. What ended that was the advent of radio for news with the numbers of newspapers constricting and aligning with radio stations. It was their economic status which permitted fact checking.
Of course, people CAN use resources like Annenberg’s Fact Check, Snopes and others to fact check today, if not too lazy.
CFVesper about 8 years ago
Have been meaning to say I love the Anoesis name for Eddie’s news service… makes so much sense LOL !
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Hmmmmm, if some of you saying wild things are not being satirical (given that you vary considerably in your ability to get that across), then there are people here who really, really NEED resources like Snopes and Annenberg’s Fact Check.
Linguist about 8 years ago
Years ago I was involved with the publishing of a bi-monthy satiric newspaper called The Sedona Excentric ( " Free and Worth Every Penny Of It " )
We made up some of the most outrageous and hilarious stories – most pertaining to the people and environs of our community and the tourists who flocked ( Snowbirds do flock ) to take in the Red Rock vistas and experience the “Vortex and Vibes”.
The irony was that some of the most ridiculous front page farces we came up with, were actually believed by people who should have known better ! Even people who knew we were writing “tongue in cheek” and were just plain nuts, took some of the stuff seriously.
It was a reinforcement of a lesson I learned in college. People are really gullible. The more absurd a posit, the more credible it becomes.
Some of our whacky “conspiracy theories” from back then, are turning up as factoids on several far-out web sites, today.
timbob2313 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Mr Miller, I have no idea how you do it with the long lead time of comic strips, but this weeks arc is a total home run, besides being topical, it pokes fun at all the people who buy into fake news because they saw it on the internet, it must be true
whiteaj about 8 years ago
“Might be,” “could be…” Is idle speculation part of “fake news?” I seem to remember the government’s information accuracy about something referred to as “Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction,” and the media’s fine stories headlined, “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” Is there blame to go around? I think perhaps so.
GiantShetlandPony about 8 years ago
So, Alt Right is the PC word for Nazi these days? I guess that would be more Politically Correct.
You can have Electorial Elected Donald Trump (AKA Putin’s Puppet), unless the Electoral College acts responsibly and denounces the madness that would be created by his Swamp.
Any Judge that does not allow for recounts, and more so, investigation of improprieties in the electoral process, specifically electoral machines, is not acting in the better interests of a country that likes to say we are a democracy. As it is, we are heading for an implosion. Especially when the poor rubes that got suckered by the rich Cons. That is if they can stop their trend of doubling down on stupid, instead of accepting reality.
As for me, I’m getting to old for this….
I know you are but what am I? and trying to twist meanings, because you have no substance to your arguments, well, common, stupid is as stupid does, I suppose
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
For your edification and education, the sobriquet alt-right was coined not by those dreaded Dems but by Richard Spencer, Mr. “America Belongs to White Men,” and the founder of the Alt-Right movement as an alternative to Traditional Conservative philosophy.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
Editor’s note:
Frontpage’s recent article by Matthew Vadum, The Alt-Right is Coming! Hillary Shrieks, exposed the dishonest nature of Hillary’s and the Left’s slanderous attacks on Trump, Breitbart and the “Alt-Right,” revealing that the situation is far more complicated than their smear campaign would suggest.
For instance, Clinton and leftists blame individuals such Richard Spencer for the Alt-Right, but it was Dr. Paul Gottfried, Professor Emeritus of Humanities at Elizabethtown College, who actually invented the term for the movement. Below we are publishing Gottfried’s account of the narrative to help clarify matters for our readers.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Last week I was reminded by a call from Associated Press that I had invented the term “Alternative Right.” When I asked about how I had accomplished that, the woman on the other end of the phone referred to a speech I had given in November 2008 in which I urged the creation of an “Alternative Right.” The same caller said that I was considered the “godfather” of what had become Altright, something that the Democratic presidential candidate would be denouncing later in the week. Thereupon I tried to explain in what modest ways I may have inspired the movement that Hillary was about to go after (namely, in a quadrennial ritual in presidential races in which the Democratic candidate accuses her GOP rival of being the second coming of Adolf Hitler).”
-Dr. Paul Gottfried, Professor Emeritus of Humanities at Elizabethtown College
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 8 years ago
But if it feels like real news, and tastes like real news and smells like real news, Neo, then what difference does it make?
decalwrites about 8 years ago
Anoesis: n: (med) consciousness that is pure passive receptiveness without understanding or intellectual organization of the materials presented.
pbarnrob about 8 years ago
With all the emboldened little bullies running around, I’d encourage self-defense ladies to have their students take up the hijab, just to give them some sparring time on the streets.
gammaguy about 8 years ago
I tried spreading some “fake news” stories, but to my dismay I found out they were all true.
GeorgeSteele over 5 years ago
Yup, Russia was involved; they colluded with Clinton to fabricate a phony dossier to fix an election (just like she and the DNC and Donna Brazile fixed the primary) and overthrow the United States’ legitimate election process. And fed the Clinton Foundation gobs of money to buy HilLIARY’s loyalty to Putin’s oligarchs. Good thing Trump won and we’re flushing the poisonous, seditious left.