Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 23, 2024

  1. Caringbridge avatar best
    lalapalooza Premium Member 9 days ago

    Horrific.. Trudeau is on the money, as usual.

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    mddshubby2005  9 days ago

    Not quite accurate – Aileen should be in his back pocket. Of course, that may be too graphic for the Sunday funnies, so carry on.

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    FaustoCoppi  9 days ago

    I like the way Trudeau is showing the yam’s coiffure – that ol’ shiny pate is more and more visible. I wonder how long before the yam shaves it all and gets an orange wig to go with his makeup.

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    snsurone76  9 days ago

    But, at least, he did NOT “own” the brave jurors who found him guilty on 34 criminal charges! Now, I hope the judge will be equally brave, and sentence the Orange Baboon to prison time.

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    braindead Premium Member 9 days ago

    MAGAts love his solicitation of bribes from the oil industry. If they will donate a Billion dollars to him, he will eliminate regulations on the oil industry, maybe lower their remaining taxes, and make them even richer than they are.

    And, his legal expenses will evaporate as if by magic.


    MAGAts all believe it is the smart thing to do and Their Messiah is a genius — and very, very stable , of course.

    They also believe he is on the side of the working man.

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  6. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  9 days ago

    That was your former president who you knew was a crybaby before he was elected. Says a lot about America that the world should know. Don’t eff up a second time!

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    shanen0  9 days ago

    Not so long ago every Supreme Court Justice was nonpartisan, confirmed by a majority of the Senators from BOTH parties. Now, 0% (though Roberts came close).

    I think the motivations should be changed to encourage going back that way. What if nonpartisans had an extra power to encourage nominating them? In the form of a new recusal rule:

    “A nonpartisan Justice may compel up to two junior partisan Justices to recuse themselves."

    ”What is wrong with that approach? Or what is your better idea? Or what part would you like explained, including implications and implementation paths?

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    crosscompiler Premium Member 9 days ago

    ‘Tis a shame Trudeau wasn’t able to do the actual adult version.

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    stuart_olson  9 days ago

    Trudeau, always the lefty. I wonder how he sleeps with Trump living rent free in his head.

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    WaitingMan  9 days ago

    “And he thinks he looks good to you.”

    “Why Don’t You Like Me?”, Frank Zappa

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    Hidden-in-the-Trees Premium Member 9 days ago

    Aww…Trudeau included a “Sir”. Trump has spent his life with his nose pressed against the glass door of a room he has never been allowed to enter; the club room of old money. He has craved their respect for decades (whence originates the “sir” bullcrap he uses in his purely imaginary stories.)

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    RobinHood  9 days ago

    Mr. Trudeau used to be better , once he could make this point, while being smart, clever. This is just lazy run of the mill Stephen Colbert stuff.

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    WillF  9 days ago

    Thanks Mr. Trudeau. I had just taken a bite of breakfast when I opened this comic. I almost threw up over those first two panels.

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    Xyzzy - nothing happens Premium Member 9 days ago

    Screwtape explaining how the Devil wants mortals to think of ownership:

    “We produce this sense of ownership not only by pride but by confusion. We teach them not to notice the different senses of the possessive pronoun—the finely graded differences that run from “my boots” through “my dog”, “my servant”, “my wife”, “my father”, “my master” and “my country”, to “my God”. They can be taught to reduce all these senses to that of “my boots”, the “my” of ownership. Even in the nursery a child can be taught to mean by “my Teddy-bear” not the old imagined recipient of affection to whom it stands in a special relation (for that is what the Enemy will teach them to mean if we are not careful) but “the bear I can pull to pieces if I like”. And at the other end of the scale, we have taught men to say “My God” in a sense not really very different from “My boots”, meaning “The God on whom I have a claim for my distinguished services and whom I exploit from the pulpit—the God I have done a corner in”.

    The Scewtape Letters (Letter XXI)-C.S. Lewis

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    cmerb  9 days ago

    No they were all paid by someone else to convict President Trump , even though there isn’t a true " law ’ that was broken . The shame of all this is on the New York Democrats . I pray that they are all paid back in full in the future : )

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    maxiesmom2 Premium Member 9 days ago

    I just learned about Project 25 from John Oliver the other day. Beyond terrified is putting it mildly. I’m sure the average MAGA supporter has no clue the ultra conservatives want to take our country back to the dark ages. Someone needs to be shouting this from the rooftops.

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 9 days ago

    Integrity is something a Trumper would never understand.

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    Call me Ishmael  9 days ago

    How can anyone who manages to make a billion be so stupid? They are destroying the nation that is “billionaires’ Heaven”….where “money is speech “, “corporations are people”, and the Supreme Court is for sale. “Fouling their nest”, so to speak. Trouble is, we all live in that same nest..

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    aerotica69  9 days ago

    Come on, Eileen……

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    Foxcarver Premium Member 9 days ago

    Maybe you’ll get through to her, Garry. No one else seems to be able to. On the other hand she may have this framed and hung in her office. No accounting for people.

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  9 days ago

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

    YouTube: Lawrence: Donald Trump is proposing the ‘worst economic policy in U.S. history’

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    More Coffee Please! Premium Member 9 days ago

    I’m constantly amazed at how perfectly Garry Trudeau portrays Little Donnie. It’s almost photorealistic.

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    tddrmchl  9 days ago

    This is what passes for humor these days?

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    Jhony-Yermo  9 days ago


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    T Smith  9 days ago

    Why does Trudeau draw Felon45 so unrealistically thin?

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    ShadowMaster  9 days ago

    You have Trumpspeak down to a T, Trudeau.

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    meetinthemiddle  9 days ago

    I was listening to a report on the radio this morning about an economic conference in Moscow. On it they had an ex-CIA analyst who has emigrated to Russia talking about how Russia was right to attack Ukraine and Russia is bringing America down. And I thought “The GOP has been doing all of Russia’s work for them since the late 1980s.”

    I don’t know if that was Gingrich’s intent to start with or not, but it’s the net effect. Now the GOP is openly working for Russia.

    There were representatives from a lot of “global south” countries, and their symposiums were openly encouraging Russia to start lobbing nukes at the west.

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    Zeno2099  9 days ago

    I wish that this comic strip was an exaggeration, but unfortunately it is not. :(

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  9 days ago

    And Trump’s supporters are promising to “hunt down” everyone who stood in his way.

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    Alverant  9 days ago

    Democrats want to govern, that means working with the interests of the people in mind as well as compromising and acknowledging the rights of others. Republicans want to rule, that means working in their interests and treating the people as servants who need to obey them as well as refusing to compromise because they believe God is on their side so anyone who disagrees with them must be Evil.

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    mindjob  9 days ago

    I’ll be glad when he stops taxing my tips from my restaurant job

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    BilboDaddy  9 days ago

    God bless Garry Trudeau.

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  33. Desertinutah
    lanainutahdesert  9 days ago

    This country has become a laughingstock. I remember how horrified I was when Trump won the election in Nov 2015. But now, it’s so laughable, just for the hell of it, I think I’ll vote for him! It’s sad—elections haven’t mattered since Kennedy was assassinated and most Americans don’t have a clue.

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    bunrabbit99  9 days ago

    nailed it.

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    sgs351  9 days ago

    My God, those first two panels. Please, not this early in the morning. I almost upchucked my breakfast.

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    RonaldByrd  9 days ago

    Oh, a reminder of why I’m contemplating suicide. Can’t get too many of those.

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    magicfever495  9 days ago

    Now reread it with his voice in your head.

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    ladykat  9 days ago


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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 9 days ago

    Why do I suddenly hear Bring In The Clown song running thru my head ?

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    gantech  9 days ago

    He won’t serve a day. He should, but he won’t.

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    miamidude  9 days ago

    Next, show judge Merchan in Biden’s pocket would you Garry? Yeah, I did not think so, not enough room with you already in it!

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    sueb1863  9 days ago

    Democrats need to be ready, because the Republicans have made it clear that they will not accept the election results if Trump loses. Trump has made sure to put his people in place on state and federal levels so that they can refuse to certify Biden’s win and overturn the election results. It’s going to get VERY ugly.

    Democrats need to stop focusing on the court cases. Trump can’t be stopped in the courts. His convictions only made him much more popular with his followers, who DO NOT CARE about the convictions or his severe moral failings. Instead Democrats need to push back loudly against all of his lies, like the post birth abortion lie. Why aren’t there Democrats on all the Sunday morning talk shows, like the Republicans are, pointing out the falsehoods? Complacency is going to lose them the election if they don’t start fighting back.

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    Mark DeMist Premium Member 9 days ago

    Her voice should have come out of his zipper.

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    sueb1863  9 days ago

    Trump isn’t going to get prison time. It’ll be a fine and maybe probation. That’s it. We can’t rely on the courts to rid us of Trump. Even the election might not do it since the Republicans have made it clear they won’t accept the results if Trump loses.

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    socalvillaguy Premium Member 9 days ago

    Aileen Cannon is another in a long line of judicial disgraces installed by the Heritage Foundation to undermine social justice. Rights we take for granted will continue to be rolled back for many, many years. It’s sometimes so disheartening to watch.

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    Godfreydaniel  9 days ago

    Corrupt Cannon was appointed by Traitor Trump to junk justice and p*ss on patriotism.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 9 days ago

    If you were in a jury pool and during the voir dire were asked “Do you owe your current prestigious, lucrative, lifetime job to the defendant?” and you truthfully answered “yes”, nobody’d even blink when you were excused from the jury for cause.

    But if you were in the judicial rotation to be assigned to that very same case, you won’t be asked that extremely pertinent question, and you might well end up being the judge presiding over the trial of said defendant.

    American “justice” system, meet Aileen Cannon.

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    mistercatworks  9 days ago

    They all drink pure cash.

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    AM730  9 days ago

    Donnie wouldn’t give a drowning man a glass of water.

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    natalie1940  9 days ago

    Thanks for this very direct, very honest … and welcome statement!! Don’t want him elected? Fight back by supporting the opposition !

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    wfhite  9 days ago

    For those hoping that Trump gets jail time, sadly I don’t see that happening. He’s a 1st time offender in a non-violent crime and armed with enough lawyers and politicians to keep him out of jail. I believe those who are convicted of these crimes (no matter how many) are more likely to be fined. And he’ll just ask his supporters to pay it for him.

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    mws3d.  9 days ago

    Notice the play on words at the end?Cash = $Bar = the legal profession

    “Enjoy the cash bar, folks!”

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    AM730  9 days ago

    The evening’s entertainment is a UFC-style fights between migrants.

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    kaffekup   9 days ago

    No, buddy, you aren’t “looking good”. Nowadays, you’re looking older, more tired and stupider than ever. And that’s already a low bar.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member 9 days ago

    How surprised will we be when his chosen VP candidate is . . . Aileen Cannon?

    (We already know what she is – now we’re just quibbling about the price).

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  56. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  9 days ago

    I actually COULD wish Ozempic on that guy — hopefully it would make him as horribly sick as it made me!

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    GaryCooper  9 days ago

    Who is Kevin?

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    Godfreydaniel  9 days ago

    Crossed with his Adderall, it might have “interesting” results…..

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    willie_mctell  8 days ago

    Cash bar, of course. What was I thinking?

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    sincavage05  8 days ago

    Is Rikers still open? Be a nice place for him to rot for a while.

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    petecocker  8 days ago

    Wish people would print this and mail it to that worthless judge

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    pflutke59  8 days ago

    Saw this quote in the WaPo version of Doonesbury, “Don’t allow the worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of America.” First impression was that it was about ex-president Trump. But, it was attributed to Trump, perhaps talking about himself?

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    alexius23  8 days ago

    While I enjoyed the Doonesbury reruns I still miss the original daily strips too

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    banjoAhhh!   8 days ago

    Sad, but true. He’s already made a mockery of American democracy. If elected, he will finish it off.

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    sisterea  8 days ago

    Presumably he has promised Cannon a seat on the supreme court. Consider she has already been bribed she should fit right in with the republicans.

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    Michael McKown Premium Member 8 days ago

    Ha! That one will end up on “Judge” Cannon’s desk.

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    montessoriteacher  8 days ago

    Great one! I hope Garry Trudeau stays around forever! As to Trump, he needs to go away!

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    eddi-TBH  8 days ago

    Telling billionaires you own them is not a smart career move. With all the court cases Trump is or will be involved in, it’s kind of a miracle he has only one judge in his pocket. Too bad it’s the best case. Of course the Supremes will shut it all down just before the end of their current run.

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    eddi-TBH  8 days ago

    Aw Jeez Trudeau! Do you have to have Don Don showing skin? I just ate.

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    MarshaOstroff  8 days ago

    The sight of the almost-naked Orange Horror in the first two panels almost made me barf, but it was worth getting past them to see the rest of this Sunday’s episode of The Creature from Mar-a-Lago!

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  71. Dessert
    cdgar  8 days ago

    That human walrus in the first two panels is disgusting. Doonesbury captured Trump perfectly in the remaining panels. Obnoxious, full of himself, with a generous sprinkling of lies and self approval. Where can I buy tickets to attend his funeral? I’m anxious.

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    eromlig  8 days ago

    Sigh…Trudeau used to be funny. I enjoy political satire from ANY standpoint — liberal or conservative or elsewhere — but it should have some humor attached. This simply isn’t funny.

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    Quantumtorpedo1  8 days ago

    The Los Angles Times as do maNY Papers cut the first two panels. Pity.

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    liberalnlovinit  8 days ago

    Jeez, the first two panels right in the middle of lunch.

    I lost my appetite…

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    Rich Douglas  7 days ago

    The problem with Trump and Ozempic is that you still have to do the work—dieting, exercise, etc. Does any of that sound like Trump?

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    gammaguy  7 days ago

    If Trump does get sentenced to prison time, I expect him to bring his private chef into court and insist that he be freed… on the basis of thyme served.

    (But someone else will have to plant the idea. Has he ever spoken a deliberate pun? I doubt that he’s clever enough.)

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    papacase48  6 days ago

    And on your way out, take a legal bill of mine with you.

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    jsimpso1  5 days ago

    After all these decades no one works harder to be a Democrat shill than old Gary here. Wonder what kind of drugs his staff will have to pump Joey Baby with to stand up and yell for 90 minutes? Kind of thoughtless to bring up an image of calling out to people in a room. Too close to Brandon “seeing dead people.” Gary would never stop licking Biden’s orthopedic sneakers long enough to do something on clueless college students wearing black and white dish towels and cosplaying as terrorists. Or Sleepy Joe McSniff cynically trying to buy votes by using taxpayer dollars to forgive student loans. Or the Squad (soon to be minus one) ignoring October 7th while cheering on poor, poor, Hamas. Pack it in Gary, you’re done.

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