I read it on the internet. It must be true. Telling your significant other to just “shut up” is never a good thing. Especially when coupled with an implied threat.
Gunther finally tells Bets how he feels. And what does she do? She tells him to “Shut Up!”
I’ve been reading this Strip since the 1990s. And in all that time I can’t ever remember a couple where one partner tells the other to “Shut Up.”
Hey Scarlett. Remember what I said about Gunther and Bets NOT being “equals?” Well here you go.
Bets. She was a nice idea for awhile. But ultimately, she fell short. But Gunther should cheer up. And better luck next time, with his next Girlfriend.
Bets: When you yelled “Fire!” at the Study Ball, did your nasal medications really make you smell smoke? Cuz that’s the first time I’d heard of such a side effect.
I let a lot of things roll off my back, but I’ll call you out on " shut up". It’s ugly and demeaning and I’m disappointed that it’s coming out of Bets’ mouth. The box, rather than bubble emphasizes her cold anger; I hope their relationship weathers her surprising be-atchatude.
Gunther had enough backbone to tell Luann to get out of his private life. Let’s see if he has any backbone left now. (I think I know the answer to that…)
Gunther should let the subject drop, but I doubt he will. He’s going to worry it like a dog with a bone. Apparently he has not yet learned that he is not responsible for, nor in control of, the lives of his friends.
If he’s not happy about Tiffany lying to him, he should go tell Tiff about it. If he’s not happy about lying to Bernice, then he should go to Bernice and spill his guts (again) about everything that happened. It would probably hurt his friends, and they might just turn against him, but hey! at least his conscience would be clear.
But he really should stop grousing to Bets about it.
The only thing Gunther had any responsibility for was his own actions. “I don’t like lying to my friends” plus that idiotic and probably illegal yelling “FIRE!” are the things he alone did. He is not responsible for what other people do. Sure, other people’s actions may disappoint him but instead of being so damn judgmental of other people he needs to examine why he acts the way he does. All that other “I don’t like(s)” just point out how emotionally immature Gunther really is.
BINGO !! God bless Bets. But now prolonged silence between the two may continue to simmer. Maybe Gun could lighten it up by yelling “Fire!” again (with a smile).
Ethical dilemmas suck. If Bets is going to be a b-word to Gunther about it, perhaps Gunther can talk to someone else. Someone NOT connected to the school. Perhaps Mrs. Horner.
I think Bet’s may be reassessing Gunther suitability as potential boyfriend material. Her comment in the Study Bal “is he always this weird?” and her telling Gunther to his face to “Shut up” (along with an implied threat that if he doesn’t, Bet’s is gone) does not bode well.
Boy, I will jump out on my ledge and say all the Bets haters and Gunther apologists are SO WRONG here. There is no chance, based on what evidence I see, that this is any kind of break-up moment. Gunther will actually respond positively to this bit of domineering, not in the sense he is a doormat, quite the opposite, but this ethical dilemma made him be stuck, and Bets is the unstucker (new word). I like this chick for her assertiveness and ability to cut through the poop and get right to a practical approach to the situation raised by the arc. Neither Gunther nor Bets did anything here situationally wrong; Bets was trying to protect Tiffany from serious trouble, Gunther was stuck between two friends, Tiffany is the only real wrong person in the relationships here. She lied selfishly to Gunther and Bernice. Bets is saying we protected an imperfect Tiffany, and a clueless, but vulnerable Bernice together. “We” did this together and that is what important. I know the Bets haters will drool all over this, Bets is such a bad influence, and Gunther is such a wimp; neither is true nor the point of this arc.
Sorry folks but I have not been sympathetic to Gunther’s moral high ground behavior. He even went on that Tiffany should be studying not partying. That’s not his #%€** business. Note Gunther is a guy who likes to study and doesn’t like to party – so an easy decision for Gunth. If Gunther’s relationship with Bets continues – there will be a time when I would want him to stand up for himself – like not putting up with 100 selfies every hour. But in the current arc – Gunther is making Mt. Everest out of a molehill. Give it up – Gunther!
Gunny is one of those who do not see the benefit of the occasional white lie and if he spills the beans he will now cause a lot of collateral damage. Bets a bit abrupt with the “Shut up” but she is right about whether the truth and hurt feelings outweigh the white lie….. Gunther should have just said “Tiffany? No that was not her. I heard she might be visiting her dad tonight.” when busy body Bernice started asking him questions and problem averted! However, I do realize that in the Luann world, the logical responses will lead to a bring and mundane strip so I get the need for conflict and intrigue!
Yep. @kenhense will be pleased to see this – Bets distracting him and the strip was truncated for PG-13 french kissing and some groping. Such a typical young adult female act to either stop his rant or away from her shortcomings. I think with Bets, it was both. He was not happy with her involvement that led to those lies although Tiff started it but Bets did get involved. She lied along with Tiff that Tiff was indeed a pal when Bernice came back beaming that Tiff stayed in her room because she was not invited. That was what bothered Gunther. I hope he sees what she is doing with the distracting technique and pushes her away and says "Stop. You’ve been dismissive of everything I say. " But knowing Greg, Bets will have her way and get away with it.
Bets care deeply for Gunther by telling him to stop talking. There is no gain for Gunther to Rant and Rave about “friends” to a love one. Gunther needs to stop being the selfish one in the relationship of two people. Gunther needs to set aside the desire to be accurate and to dissociate himself from his " friends". In the past, Gunther try to control Tiffany, Bernice and Luann and failed. Bets accepts Gunther weirdness and she tells the world that they are a Couple. Gunther needs to shut up and go home with Bets.
Bets is telling gun to stop being so overly analytical, to stop over thinking everything he does. Rosa tried to get him to do this. If he doesn’t stop this annoying mannerism, it’s gonna make bets break up with him.
Well now I like Bets even less. If it’s about exploiting your relationship to rack up “likes” on social media, she’s all in. If it’s about allowing your friend to express his distaste for dishonesty, shut up.
Mistake #2, why bug her about your issues. Go to the source and leave her out of it. Keep it sweet with your sweets. Why be a no action whinner? Why upset her for no dang reason? If he had any sense, he’ll lay off instead of skating on thin ice with those weird comments earlier of yelling fire.
We all are different but for me a serious relationship needs honesty and the ability to share yours feelings. For a date to tell me to shut up would be a deal breaker. Remember that when ever Gunther been in a tight situation he always stands tall. It may take him a few days but his relationship with Bets is history
Oh, he will shut up. And he’ll stew, and pout, and let the situation fester in his head until it explodes. Nice knowing you Bets. Gun needs someone like his Mama.
Bets was wrong telling Gun ..”Shut Up” and yes it’s rude; especially towards your love interest. But from what I can see Gunther is channeling Bern, with this holier than thou attitude nonsense!? Nobody can control anybody’s actions or behavior and if he doesn’t understand this by now shame on him. Maybe him and Bern do belong together…smh
honestly, when gunther’s in this mode… this is what’s killed it between him and any other girl so far… So yeah, Bets is trying to save him from himself. Sure it’s harsh to hear, but he’s getting upset and winding himself up over literally nothing.
Bernie’s happier Tiff’s happierAnd let’s not forget he had no problem lying for Tiff when it he though she didn’t want to hurt bernie’s feelings. Gunth has a habit of taking things personally when they aren’t.
I don’t like Bet’s, but Gunther should mind his own business and let the people he knows exchange their white lies. And get rid of Bet’s. I’m seeing the above comment from James, well said…
Gunther needs a guy friend. Since Quill left and Knute goes to a different college, he’s got no male to hang around with and complain about the women in his life making him miserable.
OK Guns, time to choose: learn a lesson about maturity here, or slide back into your Lonely Cherryboy comfort zone. When this little encounter is done, you can either go back to hemming all the girls’ outfits for them — or if you play your cards right, you can sweet-talk her into wearing the Battle Angel outfit tonight.
She may be about to break up with him. And this may be a good thing. They have some good things in their relationship but not not suited enough to be together as a couple.
She is getting sick of hearing about Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany!!! Bets is insecure and possessive. But Gunther is obsessing over Tiffany. Bets has issues but he needs to give it a rest!
Poor Bets. She has spent years trying to find a guy that don’t like lies for then understand how annoying can be an extremely sincere person… And at the same time, poor Gunther. He has all the righ for be mad at Tiffany. He need to talk with her ASAP!
If you can’t speak openly with your girlfriend, it’s time to get a new one. If you can’t listen to your boyfriend expressing his feelings to you without telling him to shut up, you aren’t worth it. Maybe this is the reason Bets has lost so many boyfriends.
My take is Bets doesn’t like her Gun (ugh!) talking about any other girls except her. Cf. https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2019/06/08 and https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2019/04/13.
She demands and dominates his attention. She marks “her man” by steering him to the couch, then sitting on his lap at Study Ball. She snaps photos and uploads them to her posse. As in, “hands off, he’s mine!?!?”
Maybe not here, but sometime this will be coming to a head.
Is Gunther G-man or a PW’ed Gun (ugh!). Review this strip: https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2019/06/12.
The little bell sheds a whole new light (interpretation?) on Gunther’s actions around Bets since then. No wonder Luann was picking up vibes leading to her quandary about whether Gunther and Bets were “doing it!”
Actually, if we look back (~March 15) it may be that Gunther was the first to “lie”; he started this whole mess by agreeing to Tiffany’s request to tell Bern something which he knew was false. He then lied again by shouting “fire” when there was none. he got himself caught up in this which then spiraled out of control. One small lie leads to more and more.
I used to read a very similar comic to this one, but it had this cute blonde girl and was about her life – and I think her name was Luann. Does anyone know where I can find that strip+
I don’t like that they’re standing too close together. Why do young people think that they are invincible? And why do they not care that they will spread the virus to their parents and other community members? So selfish, and so self-centered!
Wow, way to be empathetic, Bets. Something’s bothering Gunther but what does she care? She knows she can’t defend her actions so she just tells him to shut up and expects him to obey.
Suddenly Gunther is not agreeing with her, the 1st time he has ‘countered’ her and she’s not open to the discussion; she tells him to shut up. Bets was looking for an honest person. Maybe she would prefer someone like Les (was) after all.
As a lot of other people have said, Gunther stuck his foot in it to start with by not telling Tiffany he would not lie for her. His second mistake was trying to hide the truth from Bernice. So it is all is at his feet. What happened after him trying to lie is on everyone else
Well, Bets already taught copper. We will have to wait until tomorrow to see if Gunther really dares to confront her in the same way that he did with Luann, or remains as a faint hearted.
It’s amazing the way the comments fluctuate between hating Gunther and loving Bets, to hating bets and loving Gunther. All I have to say about this comic is, wait till tomorrow. This kind of fake-out is done a lot in story-telling, where person A is spiraling down the rabbit hole of ethics/work to do, and person B says something along the lines of what Bets said here. At this point the chapter ends or the scene cuts away making the audience think that they’re going to break up. They then cut back and person B proceeds to show person A that most of the horrible stuff they think is happening or going to happen is all in their head which calms them down and they continue like nothing happened.
Plus Greg Evens likes drama, do you really think that if he was going to break these two up, it would be over Tiffany going to a party? Not only is that stupid, its also very underwhelming. He gave Quill a very dramatic send-off on valentines day of all times! Gunther and Bets have been together for over a year and she and Tiff are good friends, if he was breaking them up it’d be a much better story/reason than this.
Bets can easily save this. Something like: (“shutup”) “Gun I understand, you don’t like being lied to, I don’t either, no body does. Now that you know the truth, what would you have done different? Explain it to me. I’ll listen and comment. If necessary, I will play ’Devil’s Advocate’ to help you get it straight in your mind.”
I wish Gunther would Shut Up permanently. He should be written out of this strip. No one would miss him. His mom is happy with her new husband, Les would be happy to live alone, Tiffany has new friends, Rosa has not kept in touch with him. Even Punk, the cute kitten, would not miss Gunther. The only thing he brings to this strip is Annoyance!
No Bets, Gunther is right. Friends should never lie to friends. Gunther, you need to re-evaluate your relationship if your girlfriend thinks lying to those close to her is acceptable behavior.
’shut-up’ is what you say when you are stressed, you can’t bear (the truth of) what someone else is saying, you have no recourse….and… you don’t care about the feelings and viewpoints of the other person.
Bets did nothing wrong. She covered for her friends, saving Bernice’s pride and Tiffany’s butt, and trying to be Gunther’s therapist. She was loyal and not afraid to make the moves she thought were necessary. Bernice committed the only wrong by not throwing a blanket over Bets and Gunther when they were making out on the sofa.
Bottom line—If Gunther and Bets are going to stay together, they’re going to have to figure out how to blend their personalities. If they can, great. If they can’t, it’s better to move on.
Gunther is probably uncomfortable with “white lies” as well. Perhaps Bets can help give him some perspective so he can get relief from his constant self-flagellation. In a good relationship, a partner can be extremely helpful for such things. “Then shut up!” will likely be explained tomorrow as “Please stop torturing yourself!”
Oh, my God, thank you Bets, because Gunther is being so insufferable right now. He wants to snitch on a friend. He wants to get into her business for hanging out with her friends at a party, instead of hanging out with a couple of unpleasant jerks and studying. Gunther hated when Luann didn’t mind her own business with him, but now he won’t mind his own business with Tiffany? He needs to shut up now.
I guess I rarely agree with Caldonia, but on this point, I agree. If Gunther was right to reprimand Luann for not minding her own business and wanting to look into his once private life and find out if he and Bets were as close as they appear on social media, then why is Gunther right to insist that he has the right to mind everyone’s business and insist that they follow his standards about lying, studying, and partying?
I think Bets has a point. Being able to use tact, discression and not tattle/word vomit everything to everyone is part of being mature, and Gun has a way to go on that. Also, I wouldn’t be to thrilled with my boyfriend spending his time with me talking about Tiff and Bern, arguably a manipulative user and a bore. At best, the mature thing at this point for Gun to do would be to find Tiff and explain his feelings on this to her. Bets would be legit in deciding Gunther has a bit more baggage and less maturity than she wants.
And, of course, he’s expected to forget all about it. But it’s just a matter of time before the same situation happens again. The party theme will be different, but the situation will be “here we go again…”
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
and take a chill pill while at it, Gunther
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 5 years ago
“Silence is golden, but my eyes still see”
AnyFace almost 5 years ago
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 5 years ago
So…are they going to breakup now?
Prescott_Philosopher almost 5 years ago
OK, we’ve had the set up, now where is GnK going with this arc?
SJhapamama almost 5 years ago
Oh, my! She has spoken. What will Gunth do now? Will he roll over and play dead or will he continue to bark? Tune in tomorrow!
notbornyesterday almost 5 years ago
I read it on the internet. It must be true. Telling your significant other to just “shut up” is never a good thing. Especially when coupled with an implied threat.
sonneofman almost 5 years ago
he will find out the truth that all men and women are liars. If only for convenience or nefarious intent, the lie is from the beginning.
oddhumor almost 5 years ago
Gunther, don’t be a doormat just because she’s your girlfriend. Stand up for yourself.
Cheapskate0 almost 5 years ago
See, I told you! Bets IS trying to shut him down!
(Oh. I forgot. It’s Gunther. Everybody in this strip is supposed to shut him down)
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Gunther finally tells Bets how he feels. And what does she do? She tells him to “Shut Up!”
I’ve been reading this Strip since the 1990s. And in all that time I can’t ever remember a couple where one partner tells the other to “Shut Up.”
Hey Scarlett. Remember what I said about Gunther and Bets NOT being “equals?” Well here you go.
Bets. She was a nice idea for awhile. But ultimately, she fell short. But Gunther should cheer up. And better luck next time, with his next Girlfriend.
ZeMastor almost 5 years ago
Bets: Gunther, dear?
Gunther: Ummm, yes?
Bets: When you yelled “Fire!” at the Study Ball, did your nasal medications really make you smell smoke? Cuz that’s the first time I’d heard of such a side effect.
Gunther: Mm…
Joe1962 almost 5 years ago
Bets get stright to the point.
blitheone almost 5 years ago
I let a lot of things roll off my back, but I’ll call you out on " shut up". It’s ugly and demeaning and I’m disappointed that it’s coming out of Bets’ mouth. The box, rather than bubble emphasizes her cold anger; I hope their relationship weathers her surprising be-atchatude.
Argythree almost 5 years ago
Gunther had enough backbone to tell Luann to get out of his private life. Let’s see if he has any backbone left now. (I think I know the answer to that…)
Queen Wolfen almost 5 years ago
That’s a funny way of showing affection…
wantcomicsnow almost 5 years ago
Gunther should let the subject drop, but I doubt he will. He’s going to worry it like a dog with a bone. Apparently he has not yet learned that he is not responsible for, nor in control of, the lives of his friends.
If he’s not happy about Tiffany lying to him, he should go tell Tiff about it. If he’s not happy about lying to Bernice, then he should go to Bernice and spill his guts (again) about everything that happened. It would probably hurt his friends, and they might just turn against him, but hey! at least his conscience would be clear.
But he really should stop grousing to Bets about it.
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
Why can’t Gunther express his feelings without being told to shut up.
notbornyesterday almost 5 years ago
The only thing Gunther had any responsibility for was his own actions. “I don’t like lying to my friends” plus that idiotic and probably illegal yelling “FIRE!” are the things he alone did. He is not responsible for what other people do. Sure, other people’s actions may disappoint him but instead of being so damn judgmental of other people he needs to examine why he acts the way he does. All that other “I don’t like(s)” just point out how emotionally immature Gunther really is.
howtheduck almost 5 years ago
Gunther has his long list of things that he doesn’t like, but then he says he likes Bets …and his nose grows longer. Hmmm!
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
Bets, Shut up.
kenhense almost 5 years ago
BINGO !! God bless Bets. But now prolonged silence between the two may continue to simmer. Maybe Gun could lighten it up by yelling “Fire!” again (with a smile).
Ruth Brown almost 5 years ago
Is Betts bothered that Gunther is preoccupied with his female friends?
jea9hrkr almost 5 years ago
She is so insecure -that’s why she needsall the “fans.”. Of course she is.
overtherainbow almost 5 years ago
Ethical dilemmas suck. If Bets is going to be a b-word to Gunther about it, perhaps Gunther can talk to someone else. Someone NOT connected to the school. Perhaps Mrs. Horner.
notbornyesterday almost 5 years ago
I think Bet’s may be reassessing Gunther suitability as potential boyfriend material. Her comment in the Study Bal “is he always this weird?” and her telling Gunther to his face to “Shut up” (along with an implied threat that if he doesn’t, Bet’s is gone) does not bode well.
jmworacle almost 5 years ago
Gunther, time to drop Bets like a bad habit.
luann1212 almost 5 years ago
Boy, I will jump out on my ledge and say all the Bets haters and Gunther apologists are SO WRONG here. There is no chance, based on what evidence I see, that this is any kind of break-up moment. Gunther will actually respond positively to this bit of domineering, not in the sense he is a doormat, quite the opposite, but this ethical dilemma made him be stuck, and Bets is the unstucker (new word). I like this chick for her assertiveness and ability to cut through the poop and get right to a practical approach to the situation raised by the arc. Neither Gunther nor Bets did anything here situationally wrong; Bets was trying to protect Tiffany from serious trouble, Gunther was stuck between two friends, Tiffany is the only real wrong person in the relationships here. She lied selfishly to Gunther and Bernice. Bets is saying we protected an imperfect Tiffany, and a clueless, but vulnerable Bernice together. “We” did this together and that is what important. I know the Bets haters will drool all over this, Bets is such a bad influence, and Gunther is such a wimp; neither is true nor the point of this arc.
kenhense almost 5 years ago
Sorry folks but I have not been sympathetic to Gunther’s moral high ground behavior. He even went on that Tiffany should be studying not partying. That’s not his #%€** business. Note Gunther is a guy who likes to study and doesn’t like to party – so an easy decision for Gunth. If Gunther’s relationship with Bets continues – there will be a time when I would want him to stand up for himself – like not putting up with 100 selfies every hour. But in the current arc – Gunther is making Mt. Everest out of a molehill. Give it up – Gunther!
Don Draper almost 5 years ago
I had a girlfriend who told me to “Shut Up” once….
TampaFanatic1 almost 5 years ago
Gunny is one of those who do not see the benefit of the occasional white lie and if he spills the beans he will now cause a lot of collateral damage. Bets a bit abrupt with the “Shut up” but she is right about whether the truth and hurt feelings outweigh the white lie….. Gunther should have just said “Tiffany? No that was not her. I heard she might be visiting her dad tonight.” when busy body Bernice started asking him questions and problem averted! However, I do realize that in the Luann world, the logical responses will lead to a bring and mundane strip so I get the need for conflict and intrigue!
Chrisdiaz801 almost 5 years ago
Best thing Bets could’ve said to Gunther. What a nice girl.
capricorn9th almost 5 years ago
Yep. @kenhense will be pleased to see this – Bets distracting him and the strip was truncated for PG-13 french kissing and some groping. Such a typical young adult female act to either stop his rant or away from her shortcomings. I think with Bets, it was both. He was not happy with her involvement that led to those lies although Tiff started it but Bets did get involved. She lied along with Tiff that Tiff was indeed a pal when Bernice came back beaming that Tiff stayed in her room because she was not invited. That was what bothered Gunther. I hope he sees what she is doing with the distracting technique and pushes her away and says "Stop. You’ve been dismissive of everything I say. " But knowing Greg, Bets will have her way and get away with it.
Rhetorical_Question almost 5 years ago
Bets care deeply for Gunther by telling him to stop talking. There is no gain for Gunther to Rant and Rave about “friends” to a love one. Gunther needs to stop being the selfish one in the relationship of two people. Gunther needs to set aside the desire to be accurate and to dissociate himself from his " friends". In the past, Gunther try to control Tiffany, Bernice and Luann and failed. Bets accepts Gunther weirdness and she tells the world that they are a Couple. Gunther needs to shut up and go home with Bets.
fathergod almost 5 years ago
I think “Bets” is Greg and Karen’s veiled attempt to showcase their thoughts on people who are constantly on social media.
Feye almost 5 years ago
Now they are the real couple.
gnmnrbl almost 5 years ago
Bets is telling gun to stop being so overly analytical, to stop over thinking everything he does. Rosa tried to get him to do this. If he doesn’t stop this annoying mannerism, it’s gonna make bets break up with him.
Troglodyte almost 5 years ago
This is an excellent opportunity to kiss and make up, Gunthie! (mwah, mwah) :D
Need coffee almost 5 years ago
Shut up is rude, but telling it like it is would be ruder. I suspect that what Bets would really like is some well-seasoned perspective.
Gunther: Chill. Your lying is on you; other people lying is on them; take it up with them. You aren’t Tiff’s boss.
Bets: You were inhumanly patient on the first date. Draw on that reserve now and avoid conversation ending phrases like shut up.
Brdshtt Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Every new beginning is some other new beginning’s end.
ianm almost 5 years ago
A little less conversation a little more action babe!
GuntherGrass almost 5 years ago
When I want your opinion I’ll give it to you!
And Your Point Would Be almost 5 years ago
Well now I like Bets even less. If it’s about exploiting your relationship to rack up “likes” on social media, she’s all in. If it’s about allowing your friend to express his distaste for dishonesty, shut up.
matthew almost 5 years ago
Red flag
imagenesis almost 5 years ago
Huge red flag no. 2 folks, she is the controlling type!
DannyDing1 almost 5 years ago
I guess he doesn’t like Trump very much then.
Decius Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Bets may not be the girlfriend Gunther wants, but she’s the girlfriend he needs. What? Somebody had to tell him.
Purple People Eater almost 5 years ago
Bets: Then shut up!
Translation: What you like or don’t like doesn’t matter. Only I matter.
electricpostcard almost 5 years ago
Mistake #2, why bug her about your issues. Go to the source and leave her out of it. Keep it sweet with your sweets. Why be a no action whinner? Why upset her for no dang reason? If he had any sense, he’ll lay off instead of skating on thin ice with those weird comments earlier of yelling fire.
Barry1941 almost 5 years ago
I hope Bets is soon gone.
CreativeChef almost 5 years ago
We all are different but for me a serious relationship needs honesty and the ability to share yours feelings. For a date to tell me to shut up would be a deal breaker. Remember that when ever Gunther been in a tight situation he always stands tall. It may take him a few days but his relationship with Bets is history
phurface almost 5 years ago
That’s it, Bets needs to GO!
ForrestOverin almost 5 years ago
“Elaborate on that, Bets. I’m listening.”
ajh2i almost 5 years ago
Hey Gunther — That’s another giant red flag!!
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I think Bets is about to get unliked, unfriended, and fired!
rrsltx almost 5 years ago
Oh, he will shut up. And he’ll stew, and pout, and let the situation fester in his head until it explodes. Nice knowing you Bets. Gun needs someone like his Mama.
Holilubillkori Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Bets was wrong telling Gun ..”Shut Up” and yes it’s rude; especially towards your love interest. But from what I can see Gunther is channeling Bern, with this holier than thou attitude nonsense!? Nobody can control anybody’s actions or behavior and if he doesn’t understand this by now shame on him. Maybe him and Bern do belong together…smh
Rocknaww almost 5 years ago
Yesterday was the first time I liked Bets. This makes two. Keep up the good work Bets.
TheElderGodfather almost 5 years ago
honestly, when gunther’s in this mode… this is what’s killed it between him and any other girl so far… So yeah, Bets is trying to save him from himself. Sure it’s harsh to hear, but he’s getting upset and winding himself up over literally nothing.
Bernie’s happier Tiff’s happierAnd let’s not forget he had no problem lying for Tiff when it he though she didn’t want to hurt bernie’s feelings. Gunth has a habit of taking things personally when they aren’t.
Cuckooman Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I don’t like Bet’s, but Gunther should mind his own business and let the people he knows exchange their white lies. And get rid of Bet’s. I’m seeing the above comment from James, well said…
Schrodinger's Dog almost 5 years ago
Gunther needs a guy friend. Since Quill left and Knute goes to a different college, he’s got no male to hang around with and complain about the women in his life making him miserable.
Airman almost 5 years ago
Bets’ “Shut up” translates into “Stop worrying, Gunther, we’ve got some serious making out to do……..my car or yours?”
BlitzMcD almost 5 years ago
Regarding Bets’ final comment, in the words of the late, great Lou Rawls, “Bam! Right on!!”
Tyge almost 5 years ago
You’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do Lucy. — Ricky Ricardo
I see their first spat coming on the morrow! If it escalates, then “Danger, Will Robinson!” — B-9 the Robot
JRobinson Premium Member almost 5 years ago
OK Guns, time to choose: learn a lesson about maturity here, or slide back into your Lonely Cherryboy comfort zone. When this little encounter is done, you can either go back to hemming all the girls’ outfits for them — or if you play your cards right, you can sweet-talk her into wearing the Battle Angel outfit tonight.
eladee AKA Wally almost 5 years ago
She may be about to break up with him. And this may be a good thing. They have some good things in their relationship but not not suited enough to be together as a couple.
eladee AKA Wally almost 5 years ago
She is getting sick of hearing about Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany!!! Bets is insecure and possessive. But Gunther is obsessing over Tiffany. Bets has issues but he needs to give it a rest!
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Poor Bets. She has spent years trying to find a guy that don’t like lies for then understand how annoying can be an extremely sincere person… And at the same time, poor Gunther. He has all the righ for be mad at Tiffany. He need to talk with her ASAP!
Dr. Caligari almost 5 years ago
Bets….run, and run fast.
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
If you can’t speak openly with your girlfriend, it’s time to get a new one. If you can’t listen to your boyfriend expressing his feelings to you without telling him to shut up, you aren’t worth it. Maybe this is the reason Bets has lost so many boyfriends.
Tyge almost 5 years ago
My take is Bets doesn’t like her Gun (ugh!) talking about any other girls except her. Cf. https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2019/06/08 and https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2019/04/13.
She demands and dominates his attention. She marks “her man” by steering him to the couch, then sitting on his lap at Study Ball. She snaps photos and uploads them to her posse. As in, “hands off, he’s mine!?!?”
Maybe not here, but sometime this will be coming to a head.
Tyge almost 5 years ago
Is Gunther G-man or a PW’ed Gun (ugh!). Review this strip: https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2019/06/12.
The little bell sheds a whole new light (interpretation?) on Gunther’s actions around Bets since then. No wonder Luann was picking up vibes leading to her quandary about whether Gunther and Bets were “doing it!”
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
When an introvert finally expresses himself, don’t tell him to shut up.
Tbirdee almost 5 years ago
If he is so upset about the lies, his next sentence should be “I don’t like that you (Bets) lied to Bernice.” Is he blind to that?
RSH almost 5 years ago
Actually, if we look back (~March 15) it may be that Gunther was the first to “lie”; he started this whole mess by agreeing to Tiffany’s request to tell Bern something which he knew was false. He then lied again by shouting “fire” when there was none. he got himself caught up in this which then spiraled out of control. One small lie leads to more and more.
dtercho almost 5 years ago
Gunther must be a Virgo. Over analytical perfectionist.
rickmac1937 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Time to say goodbye to her Gunner, you’ll be better off
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
About time someone told him to shut up.
JimSullivan3 almost 5 years ago
I used to read a very similar comic to this one, but it had this cute blonde girl and was about her life – and I think her name was Luann. Does anyone know where I can find that strip+
swanridge almost 5 years ago
I don’t like that they’re standing too close together. Why do young people think that they are invincible? And why do they not care that they will spread the virus to their parents and other community members? So selfish, and so self-centered!
hoffquotes2 almost 5 years ago
When asked this question of 100 people, 99 say NO
Ellis97 almost 5 years ago
And that’s why I don’t do relationships. Too much dominance.
Ukko wilko almost 5 years ago
Gunther, repeat after me, “Bye Betts”.
sueb1863 almost 5 years ago
Wow, way to be empathetic, Bets. Something’s bothering Gunther but what does she care? She knows she can’t defend her actions so she just tells him to shut up and expects him to obey.
GaryCooper almost 5 years ago
Uh-oh. Trouble between Gun and Bet.
RSH almost 5 years ago
Suddenly Gunther is not agreeing with her, the 1st time he has ‘countered’ her and she’s not open to the discussion; she tells him to shut up. Bets was looking for an honest person. Maybe she would prefer someone like Les (was) after all.
JosephShriver almost 5 years ago
As a lot of other people have said, Gunther stuck his foot in it to start with by not telling Tiffany he would not lie for her. His second mistake was trying to hide the truth from Bernice. So it is all is at his feet. What happened after him trying to lie is on everyone else
linus82 almost 5 years ago
Well, Bets already taught copper. We will have to wait until tomorrow to see if Gunther really dares to confront her in the same way that he did with Luann, or remains as a faint hearted.
Scarlet Shimmer almost 5 years ago
It’s amazing the way the comments fluctuate between hating Gunther and loving Bets, to hating bets and loving Gunther. All I have to say about this comic is, wait till tomorrow. This kind of fake-out is done a lot in story-telling, where person A is spiraling down the rabbit hole of ethics/work to do, and person B says something along the lines of what Bets said here. At this point the chapter ends or the scene cuts away making the audience think that they’re going to break up. They then cut back and person B proceeds to show person A that most of the horrible stuff they think is happening or going to happen is all in their head which calms them down and they continue like nothing happened.
Plus Greg Evens likes drama, do you really think that if he was going to break these two up, it would be over Tiffany going to a party? Not only is that stupid, its also very underwhelming. He gave Quill a very dramatic send-off on valentines day of all times! Gunther and Bets have been together for over a year and she and Tiff are good friends, if he was breaking them up it’d be a much better story/reason than this.
Vangoghdog01 almost 5 years ago
Bets can easily save this. Something like: (“shutup”) “Gun I understand, you don’t like being lied to, I don’t either, no body does. Now that you know the truth, what would you have done different? Explain it to me. I’ll listen and comment. If necessary, I will play ’Devil’s Advocate’ to help you get it straight in your mind.”
SeanNelson almost 5 years ago
Just like and not love?
hk Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Oh my, another “yes” man. This anger will grow and fester. Not good.
locake almost 5 years ago
I wish Gunther would Shut Up permanently. He should be written out of this strip. No one would miss him. His mom is happy with her new husband, Les would be happy to live alone, Tiffany has new friends, Rosa has not kept in touch with him. Even Punk, the cute kitten, would not miss Gunther. The only thing he brings to this strip is Annoyance!
Hoodude almost 5 years ago
Control freak much…?
Ginny Premium Member almost 5 years ago
The beginning of the end ..
PeterPirate almost 5 years ago
Snitches get stitches, Gun.
pchemcat almost 5 years ago
No Bets, Gunther is right. Friends should never lie to friends. Gunther, you need to re-evaluate your relationship if your girlfriend thinks lying to those close to her is acceptable behavior.
RSH almost 5 years ago
’shut-up’ is what you say when you are stressed, you can’t bear (the truth of) what someone else is saying, you have no recourse….and… you don’t care about the feelings and viewpoints of the other person.
Airman almost 5 years ago
Bets did nothing wrong. She covered for her friends, saving Bernice’s pride and Tiffany’s butt, and trying to be Gunther’s therapist. She was loyal and not afraid to make the moves she thought were necessary. Bernice committed the only wrong by not throwing a blanket over Bets and Gunther when they were making out on the sofa.
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
Bottom line—If Gunther and Bets are going to stay together, they’re going to have to figure out how to blend their personalities. If they can, great. If they can’t, it’s better to move on.
Takagi-san almost 5 years ago
Gunther is probably uncomfortable with “white lies” as well. Perhaps Bets can help give him some perspective so he can get relief from his constant self-flagellation. In a good relationship, a partner can be extremely helpful for such things. “Then shut up!” will likely be explained tomorrow as “Please stop torturing yourself!”
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
I’m outa here. I’ve wasted most of a good day. I have so many other things to do.
Caldonia almost 5 years ago
Oh, my God, thank you Bets, because Gunther is being so insufferable right now. He wants to snitch on a friend. He wants to get into her business for hanging out with her friends at a party, instead of hanging out with a couple of unpleasant jerks and studying. Gunther hated when Luann didn’t mind her own business with him, but now he won’t mind his own business with Tiffany? He needs to shut up now.
Caldonia almost 5 years ago
Actually, all the characters (including Momther and Les) can spend like a month telling “Nice Guy” Gunther to shut up!
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 5 years ago
There goes Gunther NOT talking to, or about Betts! How dare he!! Betts, she who must be center stage at all times.
marko92752 almost 5 years ago
“Then shut up” is the wake up call, the important part will be the follow up line.
Argythree almost 5 years ago
I guess I rarely agree with Caldonia, but on this point, I agree. If Gunther was right to reprimand Luann for not minding her own business and wanting to look into his once private life and find out if he and Bets were as close as they appear on social media, then why is Gunther right to insist that he has the right to mind everyone’s business and insist that they follow his standards about lying, studying, and partying?
katzpawz1a almost 5 years ago
“Then shut up!”, Bets said with a snarl.
bakana almost 5 years ago
She hates it when her friends make her feel Guilty.
Scoutmaster77 almost 5 years ago
Uh, oh.
jamessveta almost 5 years ago
Could this be the end of the Gun and Bets?
astahl2003 almost 5 years ago
I think Bets has a point. Being able to use tact, discression and not tattle/word vomit everything to everyone is part of being mature, and Gun has a way to go on that. Also, I wouldn’t be to thrilled with my boyfriend spending his time with me talking about Tiff and Bern, arguably a manipulative user and a bore. At best, the mature thing at this point for Gun to do would be to find Tiff and explain his feelings on this to her. Bets would be legit in deciding Gunther has a bit more baggage and less maturity than she wants.
M M almost 5 years ago
Totally agree. He should break up with her.
Dragoncat almost 5 years ago
And, of course, he’s expected to forget all about it. But it’s just a matter of time before the same situation happens again. The party theme will be different, but the situation will be “here we go again…”
PhoenixHocking almost 5 years ago
Oh, touchy-touchy. Ditch the chick, Gunther! She’s not for you. You’re much too good for her.
ndblackirish97 almost 5 years ago
Love this Bets. She gets it. Luann, Bernice, and Gunth are spending way too much time being judgmental and nosy.
Andrew Sleeth almost 5 years ago
Or what, you’ll withhold sex? Well go ahead! Gunther doesn’t care. He’s saving himself for the right man anyway.
PaulLeckner almost 5 years ago
Gunther can’t be everybody’s mother hen. Let Tiffany suffer the consequences of her decisions. Or, he will lose Bets.
Rocknaww almost 5 years ago
Gun is just too young to understand. Do not gripe about your friends to your friends. You put everyone in a bad situation.
stewartjn almost 5 years ago
Sisyphos almost 5 years ago
It may be unpopular to say so among some circles here, but I am totally in support of Bets on this!
Gunther’s after-the-fact outbursts of conscience are too impotent to bear up to the realities of college dorm life….
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Well now…. Well, Well, Well…
lordhoff almost 5 years ago
The beginning of hen pecked.
Mooshki Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Hey, Bets: do you like Gunther?
kaystari Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Wow, she’s self centered, get rid of her Gun!