Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for August 05, 2020

  1. Bozo 1
    Carlos the clown  over 4 years ago

    Maybe Goldie is the culprit

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  2. Eclipse 2024 totality copy
    Jayfbird1969 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Aww. That look of pure kitten innocence on Lupin’s face. Those huge kitty cat eyes.

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  3. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago

    How can you doubt the big sad eyes and the pant leg cling?! #IbelieveLupin

    this time. Next time will be evaluated as an independent incident.

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  4. Annabelle
    Sue Ellen  over 4 years ago

    I believe you, Lupin! You may be mischievous, but you have a history of “owning it.”

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  5. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 4 years ago

    The cat is always innocent, even when he’s guilty

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    Petting Machine  over 4 years ago

    Oh, Lupin, you and your unbelievable stories. Like last year, when you kept going on and on about that large orange cat—oh, wait…

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  7. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Who ya gonna call?

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    Strob  over 4 years ago


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  9. Co expat
    Colorado Expat  over 4 years ago

    Those eyes… Lupin MUST be innocent!!!

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  10. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  over 4 years ago

    Could those two finally make peace over this? Personally, if I were Goldie, I wouldn’t bother. Lupin is such a jerk to her.

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    face.less_b  over 4 years ago

    I wonder if Pawy Mewson is available for the defense?

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    maggijoseph Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Goldie to the rescue!!

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  13. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 4 years ago

    Felicity predicted yesterday that Goldie would prove Lupin’s innocence! The Innocence Project, for cats!

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  14. Mini mini me
    andycat Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The problem with having a reputation is that sometimes you get the credit (read: blame) without having the fun of actually having committed the crime in question.

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  15. Photo
    Robin Harwood  over 4 years ago

    What is the evidence against Lupin? Incriminating paw prints? Seen fleeing from the scene immediately after the crash? DNA on the sherds?

    Until we are told, we should consider him innocent.

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  16. Photo
    Robin Harwood  over 4 years ago

    And I have a sinking feeling that, instead of justice, we are going to be fobbed off with a fudge. Goldie will prove Lupin astonishingly innocent, and we will be expected to pretend that this absolves her of the requirement to apologise for stealing his recorder. And there will be sentimental slush all round.

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  17. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    Ah the old puppy eyes trick.

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  18. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    What Lupin essentially means with his puppy eyes statement is that : “I don’t owlvase break things. Ya owl should stop blaming me for owl things broken.”

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  19. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Lupin, turn around. Salvation may be an honest pleading away.

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  20. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  over 4 years ago

    I do not think Goldie was involved, I think she has been sleeping through the whole fiasco but she might be just the one cat who believes that Lupin is innocent until proven to be guilty. Looks like a Ben Matlock kind of mystery with Goldie about to expose the real culprit!

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  21. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 4 years ago

    Wow, how can I not believe those big innocent eyes! Goldie sleeping in the last panel is a clever introduction into Investigation of the Crashing Owl…..Our modern day Maltese Falcon ( without the gem encrusted bird). An outraged Elvis makes me giggle. A mystery to be solved leaves me breathless!

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    tatempleman  over 4 years ago

    Another case for that famous detective Goldie. Could this be the event that finally brings peace between her and Lupin?

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  23. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    Lupin clinging toes!

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    Miss Mina  over 4 years ago

    Could this be the great reconciliation….?

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    Pinemelon  over 4 years ago

    poor lupin

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    Lasagna™️  over 4 years ago

    I haven’t been reading BCN for very long, but I was just reading some of the older BCN comics and found out that Lupin is deaf. If anyone knows, could you please tell me when it was told in the strip that Lupin is deaf for the very first time, because I am keen to know.

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    MamaBird  over 4 years ago

    The eyes!! He really IS innocent. Did Goldie do it? Or is she going to prove his innocence……

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    ladykat  over 4 years ago

    I find myself really believing Lupin. He usually takes such glee in his misdeeds.

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    Lifeflame  over 4 years ago

    Well I think it will be Goldie to the rescue, solving the crime, and Lupin and Goldie taking the first steps towards becoming friends

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    misty  over 4 years ago

    Here’s a little song Bobby wrote

    You might want to sing it note for note

    Don’t worry, be happy

    In every life we have some trouble

    But when you worry, you make it double

    Don’t worry, be happy

    Don’t worry, be happy now

    don’t worry

    (Ooh, ooh ooh ooh oo-ooh ooh oo-ooh) be happy

    (Ooh, ooh ooh ooh oo-ooh ooh oo-ooh) don’t worry, be happy (repeat twice more)

    Ain’t got no smile upon your face

    ’Cause someone naughty broke your vase

    Don’t worry, be happy

    You may have realized much too late

    Having nice things just ain’t your fate

    Don’t worry, be happy

    Oh, ooh ooh ooh oo-ooh ooh oo-ooh don’t worry, be happy

    (Here I give you Pucky’s number, when you worry, call him, he make you happy, don’t worry, be happy)

    Don’t worry, be happy

    Was quite the crash, all over the tile

    No one’s taking the blame meanwhile

    Don’t worry, be happy

    ’Cause when you worry your face will frown

    And that will bring everybody down

    So don’t worry, be happy

    [Robert McFerrin Jr. – Don’t Worry Be Happy]

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  31. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    I knew it! I knew cats could artificially enlarge their eyes to the size of half dollar coins when they want to! Panel two is proof!

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  32. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    [police sirens wail in the background]

    ♪"I can’t get on the table

    Cat, I really didn’t do it

    I can’t get on the table

    Cat, honest I didn’t do it

    [police sirens]

    I wish that Puck believed me …"♫

    [Voice of the Woman in the background: “Lupin get off the table!”]

    (Indiana Wants Me written by R. Dean Taylor)

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  33. Breaking cat news
    prairiedogdance Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Yay! I knew this was going to be turn, just didn’t want to spoil the lead up!

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    T_Lexi  over 4 years ago

    Poor, pitiful Lupin! So distressed… #teamlupin

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    scyphi26  over 4 years ago

    Think about it, Elvis and Puck—that Lupin’s got a past history for it is only circumstantial evidence at best. You don’t have any real evidence that Lupin was even involved, just the assumption that he was because Lupin. Even in past instances where it WAS Lupin’s fault, there was usually clear evidence proving it. Suspecting is one thing, but don’t go accusing until you’ve got that evidence.

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    davanden  over 4 years ago

    He shouldn’t be on the table, in any case.

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    diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago

    In british detective series, they would just call for the closed circuit tv at this point.

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    sdjamieson Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I believe in you, Lupin! I suspect the guilty party is Homo sapiens.

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    anomalous4  over 4 years ago

    OT: DIL update

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    SunflowerGirl100  over 4 years ago

    This story arc is reminding me of the one involving “Whose hairball?”

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    Mr. Reader  over 4 years ago

    YES goldie-lupin friendship story arch squeeeeeeee!!!

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    Mr. Reader  over 4 years ago

    also I will now give lupinl everything he desires due to his cute kitten eyes, I love them and I think that they are amazing.

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  43. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member over 4 years ago

    My guess is that tomorrow Goldie is going to open her eyes and say, “I believe you”. This is partially based on a tweet on Georgia’s personal twitter page, though it didn’t give anything away what she posted makes me think this might be what happens. Also the last frame seems to be the perfect set up for that to happen.

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  44. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    Tricky story line because cats don’t “do” guilt. You can make a dog feel guilty for a vase that you broke (bad people do that). You can make a cat angry, even fearful, (bad people do that) but not guilty. I’m only willing to go as far as “uncomfortable” in disciplining cats. Every time the cat is where she should not be, the cat gets a spritz of the water bottle and a “No.” Most cats prefer a dry, quiet life and get the idea, as long as you are consistent. Eventually, “No” is enough. The trick is very few rules, consistently enforced.

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  45. Tiger photo ark6.ngsversion.1469814015491.adapt.676.1
    wildwind  over 4 years ago

    This looks like the time to bury hatchets and engage the famous girl detective Goldie!

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  46. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  over 4 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Tabith-Isis: Oh no! Look at all these red dots scattered across the floor! I just spent all day organizing and storing them!

    Maat-Tilda: And my latest weaving is all torn. Who could have done this?

    Elvis-Anum: Has anyone been running around working on a new routine? Like a Royal Jester?

    Lupinium: No, I wasn’t in this room at all. Honest.

    Beatrixia: I did see Ta-Natash around here. Anyone know where she is now?

    Puckmosis: I think we all want to know!

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: I think we should go and pray for guidance in this matter. We can talk to the priests who are so wise and knowledgeable.

    Lupinium: Do you mean?

    The Queen: Yes. The Temple Owls!

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  47. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Today is … Unmentionable …

    Why? Because it’s National Underwear Day. Aren’t you glad you asked?

    For those who still think the world is their oyster, I urge them to remember the slang definition of “oyster.” It’s National Oyster Day. HORK!!!

    It is also Work Like a Dog Day, so all you working dogs go bark at your boss, and tell him/her/it to stop making messes for you to clean up. I was once “asked” to work like a dog to make someone else rich. My answer was that I had not spent years in college and twenty-odd getting to the top of my profession so I could do that. A few years later, my “position was eliminated”—for all of nine months before they started advertising for a replacement. I’ve gotten my revenge, having lived well ever since, and probably longer than if I’d remained there.

    Finally, it is Green Peppers Day. I love peppers, green or otherwise. Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper, too?

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  48. Zinc and mink
    My3Cats Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Maybe the boy did it.

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    TammyHarris-Dearhouse Premium Member over 4 years ago

    OOOHHH!!! I sense a bonding moment between Lupin and Goldie! How exciting! I bet she’s going to use her detective skills to exonerate Lupin and he’ll have to admit that maybe he appreciates that she was the only one who believed him and wasn’t pointing a paw at him as the culprit! Then they can finally become frenemies! YAY!!!

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    fuzzybritches  over 4 years ago

    I can’t wait to see how the investigation proceeds, and Goldie uncovers clues! And what conclusions she’ll draw, etc.

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    crazymom34_2000  over 4 years ago

    Oh lupin! Of course I believe you,sweet good boy! Goldie will solve this case!

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  52. Lighthouse
    mountaingreenery.  over 4 years ago

    Round up the usual suspect, i.e. Lupin.

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  53. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 4 years ago

    Hmm… foreshadowing.

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    jwarrenphd  over 4 years ago

    Hmmn, it looks like Lupin needs a detective.

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      over 4 years ago

    Leave it to Detective Goldie!

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    SunflowerGirl100  over 4 years ago

    O.T. Swan Eaters Georgia posted on Swan Eaters "This is it, this is the hiatus! This is the last panel the original Swan Eaters readers have been holding on and waiting from since 2013.

    On Friday I hope to post a quick sketch with these details to remind folks, but for now: We’re taking a brief break! New Swan Eaters strips will begin on October 2nd! I’ve been waiting almost seven years to finish this story, I can’t wait. I hope you will enjoy where we go next when we return on October 2nd. Watch this space for announcements, and our Twitter and Instagram (we are @Swaneaters, one word, on all three!)

    Hang in there, Salem! It’ll all coming back SOON!"

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  57. Screenshot 2019 10 30 at 9.26.55 am
    Mx Crazy Cat Person  over 4 years ago

    I feel badly for Lupin. I am sure he is innocent. I believe he only breaks things most of the time, not all the time.

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  58. 1964 06 30 oliver 10m
    OliverT  over 4 years ago

    Guilty! That cat is guilty. Only Elvis is always innocent.

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  59. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 4 years ago

    As I said in a reply yesterday, it’s more often guilty until proven innocent.

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    KROverton  over 4 years ago

    Private eye Goldie will come to the rescue.

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  61. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  over 4 years ago

    Off topic: Is anybody else wishing that Zazzle (or Society 6) would put out BCN face masks? An Invisible Lupin mask? Mommy’s Little Pirate Ballerina face mask? Count Puckula (“But I’m the Prince of Darkness…”) face mask? Tommy face mask?

    I was shocked to see today that Society 6 has apparently ended the BCN comforters (the page no longer exists), which makes me twice as happy that I ordered my “Reading Cats” comforter a couple months back.


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  62. Snekjpg
    KL  over 4 years ago

    OMC I love this episode so much! Lupin’s innocent eyes, everyone else’s wrong conclusions… except, of course, for supersleuth Goldie.

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  63. Q
    Quazar_Zeus_Jolie Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I believe him!

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    Erin Pierce  over 4 years ago

    Gee…if only there was a girl detective in the house!

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  65. Annabelle
    Sue Ellen  over 4 years ago

    I just hope Old Mags isn’t the judge at Lupin’s trial. Please tell me Tabitha has a law degree!

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