Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for April 02, 2022

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 2 years ago

    Pig should subpoena Neighbor Bob’s tax returns.

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  2. Ding a ling
    BasilBruce  over 2 years ago

    “Not enough to buy much bacon. Come over to my house and I’ll tell you all about it.”

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    Stocky One  over 2 years ago

    “I would prefer not to discuss my counterfeiting operation, thank you.”

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  4. Eveningledger connie
    Johnny Q Premium Member over 2 years ago

    My sister went on a field trip to a foundry and when they were encouraged to ask questions, she asked “How much money do you make?” (Seems a practical question to me…)

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  5. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  over 2 years ago

    Pig, I appreciate your approach, but no on that info!

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  6. Crankyc
    franki_g  over 2 years ago

    Neighbor Bob’s unspoken yet panicked answer : “How did he find out about my counterfeiting ring??!!”

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    Kaputnik  over 2 years ago

    Neighbor Bob is a counterfeiter, but admitting that he literally makes money would be ill advised.

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  8. Crazyforkedindianpalmsquirrel max 1mb
    B UTTONS  over 2 years ago

    Pig wants to determine the pay discrimination between human looking comic characters and pigs.

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    Cornelius Noodleman  over 2 years ago

    Bob’s wearing a nice blue shirt.

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  10. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 2 years ago

    Nice try, Pig!

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    Differentname  over 2 years ago

    Funny thing, I know plenty of people with Civil Service or Union jobs. Their salaries are a matter of public record. None of them seems unhappy or ut out by people having this knowledge. On the other hand, I’ve never bothered to actually look up anyone’s salary…

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    Doug K  over 2 years ago

    It seems a little presumptuous on Goat’s part to assume what neighbor Bob does or does not want to do.

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    juicebruce  over 2 years ago

    Another side of this is "What are you worth ? " ….. My reply ……. Enough for you guys to argue over when I’m gone :-)

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    VictorJulison  over 2 years ago

    I never make money. That’s a felony. It’s called “counterfeiting”.

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  15. Toby pj kittens
    Justanolddude Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Not enough to front you another bag, do you have my money yet?

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    _lounger_  over 2 years ago

    being polite doesn’t work anymore…

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  17. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 2 years ago

    It too difficult to makes much money… unless you is already too rich.

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  18. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  over 2 years ago

    Is Pig accusing Neighbor Bob of counterfeiting?

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  19. Cornfed
    cornshell  over 2 years ago

    Neighbor Bob, when did you become mute?

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    gokarDun  over 2 years ago

    Pig! Eat mud!

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    Count Olaf Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Neighbor Bob is rude.

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    Display  over 2 years ago

    Here’s a little thought to chew upon – businesses do not want workers to discuss their pay. Other workers might find out that there could be a huge wage disparity among those doing the same job.

    Egad, there might be lawsuits over age- or sex-related discrimination! Egads, there might even be a call for unionization to make sure that there are uniform and higher and fairer wages for everyone doing the same work!!! Yikes! So never, ever discuss your pay with your co-workers because…

    Hey! Wait a minute…

    That’s actually a good thing to do, and the only folks it could hurt are greedy bosses… Why those sneaky, low down, dirty SOB’s…

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  23. Img 0955
    Lotus  over 2 years ago

    A man is brought to the hospital in pain. After the doctor gives him something to ease his misery, the nurse comes over and asks, “Are you comfortable?” The man replies, “Yes, I make a nice living.” — Henny Youngman

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  24. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  over 2 years ago

    At least he was polite about it.

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    Jeffin Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Does Bob have a printing business?

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    Chief Inspector   over 2 years ago

    There was a radio personality named Mr Leonard in Cleveland. He would do an interview and say, “soooooo approximately……how much money do yo make?”

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    kirico  over 2 years ago

    A tangent from asking neighbor Bob, but in the US it is considered taboo to ask your co-workers what they make. This is encouraged by supervisors/bosses as they try to pay as little as possible to the workers. It was interesting how this played out when I found out once (decades ago) that I was actually making more than my immediate supervisor. He was not happy when he found out. He didn’t control or know how much the people that reported to him were making.

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    zwilnik64  over 2 years ago

    It’s only ‘impolite’ to discuss salary because doing so would increase class solidarity.

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  29. Calvplay   2
    Mentor397  over 2 years ago

    Neigbor Bob may just be a zombie. I recognize that look.

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  30. 09 ben turpin
    sloaches  over 2 years ago

    At one of the first jobs I had, we used to play what was known as “Paycheck Bingo”. Every payday a few of us would put up about $10 each and then we would compare our pay stubs. Whoever had the winning hand (out of Two Pair, Three Of A Kind, Full House, Four Of A Kind) collected the pot. That is, we USED to play until one of the supervisors found out.

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    diskus Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ask him how much he spends.

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  32. 1959 chevy elcamino
    F-Flash  over 2 years ago

    I decided to make money, but I couldn’t decide on 5’s or 1’s,so I’m making 2’s.

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  33. Img 1561
    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    PIG will never get it… poor Lil’ porker. LOL

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  34. Bun
    figuratively speaking  over 2 years ago

    For Pig, I think you could answer 85 cents and he’d be impressed, or polite enough to pretend to be. He’s a sweet and simple soul. Is he single?

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    Radish...   over 2 years ago

    Has much does Pastis get for his little cartoon strip?

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    Goat from PBS  over 2 years ago

    An attempt was made… it failed.

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    ekw555  over 2 years ago

    I don’t make any money.

    counterfeiting is illegal.

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  38. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  over 2 years ago

    “Enough, Pig. Enough.”

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    artegal  over 2 years ago

    It depends on how well my printing press is working.

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    falcon_370f  over 2 years ago

    I would answer, “not enough.”

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    royq27  over 2 years ago

    Please Mr. Pastis, if you will. Tell me how much money you make, Thank you.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  over 2 years ago

    At least he tried to be polite about it when corrected. We do need more civility anyway.

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    silverclaw33  over 2 years ago

    I never understood why that topic was taboo. People will happily discuss their goiter, their crappy job, their politics or their religion, but when it comes to their salary, mum is the word.

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  44. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  over 2 years ago

    Molly, come here and see the longest table in comic history, and I’m no Fibber.

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    bigplayray  over 2 years ago

    My Daughter just got a big promotion. All I’ll say is her raise in pay alone is more then half of what I make all year! So proud of her!

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    Cozmik Cowboy  over 2 years ago

    “Not nearly as much as I made before the Secret Service got wind of it………”

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  47. Snoopy
    The Fly Hunter  over 2 years ago

    My answer is always “not enough!”

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    beady.el  over 2 years ago

    The only people likely to answer that are the tour guides at the bureau of printing and engraving.

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    Radish...   over 2 years ago
    Stephan Pastis Net worth: $100 Million (Updated at 15 March 2019) About Cartoonist and children’s book author who created the popular Pearls Before Swine comic strip. His first children’s book, Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made, appeared on the New York Times Best Seller List.
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  50. Playpen 1952
    l3i7l  over 2 years ago

    There was a time in my career when I thought about changing jobs. It didn’t take long to figure out that no one else would pay me so much, for doing so little, so easily.

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    Bruce388  over 2 years ago

    My usual response: “Not enough.”

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  52. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   over 2 years ago

    must not be making enough

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    MissyTiger  over 2 years ago

    Panel 3 sounds exactly like my mother-in-law trying to be polite so she can ask nosey questions! :D (We get along well, but she is in everybody’s business!)

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  54. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 2 years ago

    Still not polite. A more polite way of asking, but it’s the subject matter of the question that is impolite.

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    vacman  over 2 years ago

    Personally I fail to see why this and other questions (like age) are taboo but they are.

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  56. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 2 years ago

    A Polite Pig is stilll dumb as an ox. Be steadfast, ad hoc temporary Neighbor Bob!…

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    Swirls Before Pine  over 2 years ago

    I tried to make money once. Now I’ll be earning nothing for the next 5-10 years.

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    AndreasMartin  over 2 years ago

    ‘…but he kept clutching that golden cup of his. His fingers left dents everywhere. Weird guy.’

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    KarenMontgomery  over 2 years ago

    Oh Jorts would be upset!! (of course he says coworkers…)

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