Steve Kelley for June 27, 2024

  1. Bbb
    NeoconMan  5 days ago

    And we never have to worry about the stable genius doing anything insane.

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    The Nodding Head  5 days ago

    Does Kelley only consume faked and edited videos, or does he also produce them?

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  3. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 5 days ago

    The next time Old Joe wanders off, let’s just let him go!

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    pat gorse  5 days ago

    Free Range Presidents Rule! Go Joe!

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    davidthoms1  5 days ago

    Kelly better not watch the debates if he expects Biden to be less sharp and aware than Trump. He’ll be very disappointed unless he’s wearing two sets of blinders!

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  6. Boyknifeoutlet
    Retired engineer  5 days ago

    I seem to remember Trump wandering all over the stage during the debate with Hillary.

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  7. Sunimage
    Sun  5 days ago

    Joe Biden will shake hands with invisible people.

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  8. Crankyc
    franki_g  5 days ago

    While Felon 34 will insist the talking points ARE sharks and batteries.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 5 days ago

    I expect it’s more likely trump will walk off in disgust about being unfairly treated. My money is still on a no show at the last moment, with a waste of time.. CNN making money off his name excuses.

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  10. Yin yang
    Havel  5 days ago

    Keep setting that bar for Biden low. Then if he does well, blame drugs. MAGA logic.

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    Ontman  5 days ago

    Kelley has a problem with reality. The wandering will be done in Trump’s addled mind.

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  12. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  5 days ago

    Someone forgot to spread the word. The Dumpfsters have changed the narrative that Biden is a skilled debater and on performance-enhancing drugs. Snark!

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    Patrick Murphy Premium Member 5 days ago

    I wonder if ol’ joe will have an earpiece in so that he can get the answers from one of his handlers. I am sure he already has the questions, just like hillary did.

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    librarylady59  5 days ago

    President Biden doesn’t wander. Cropped videos/photos (by conservatives) are bogus. But what can one expect from a party of violence, lies, threats, cheating that worships a malignant narcissistic psychopathic wannabe dictator.

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    grange Premium Member 5 days ago

    I’ve never actually seen T**** wander into the talking points.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 days ago

    Mentally ill right wing fantasy land.

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    Liberal Troll Premium Member 5 days ago

    Kelley living in an alternate reality yet again:

    After months of casting President Joe Biden as a shell of a man incapable of putting two sentences together, Donald Trump has changed his tune days before their first debate.

    “I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater,” the former president and presumptive Republican nominee said in an appearance on “The All-In” podcast last week.

    “I don’t want to underestimate him,” he added.

    The changed rhetoric marks a dramatic shift from how Trump typically describes the man he will face in a rematch this November.

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    robcarroll1213  5 days ago

    “Hahaha! I like to pretend that Donald Trump isn’t old and senile!”~Steve Kelley

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    piper_gilbert  4 days ago

    People are more interested in watching Trump lose his $hit 30 seconds into this debate. Oh, he will try to appear Presidential. He just doesn’t have the ability. Screaming bumper sticker slogans won’t win you a debate against a skilled political leader.

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    Biden doesn’t wander. tRump wanders. Off topic. On stage to hog the camera, and creeping up behind opponents.

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  21. Rat
    Rat's My Hero Premium Member 4 days ago

    Jeez, Kelley, this is the best you can come up with?

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  22. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  4 days ago

    no worries

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    rmike7842  4 days ago

    This seems to be all the conservatives have for the debate; with the very convenient addition that if Biden isn’t as they claim, it will be due to drugs.

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  24. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 days ago

    Biden’s approach to debate preparation involves dedicating a week to study intensively, aiming to present his ideas effectively and anticipate Trump’s responses for effective rebuttal, with the objective of impressing voters with his ability to lead. Trump’s version of debate prep is to pick fights with as many people who will be present as possible, since he knows there is no possibility of impressing anyone, and his only hope is to keep his MAGAts deluded by claiming his ineptitude is actually bias against him. Considering that this is how he is preparing for the debate, his statement that he is going to lose intentionally is redundant.

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    ’That’s intentional’: MSNBC panel shreds Supreme Court for ‘dragging feet’ on Trump case

    Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal unleashed on the Supreme Court for helping out Donald Trump by delaying his immunity case as long as possible.

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  26. Dragonfly
    SteveO202  4 days ago

    So stupid. That’s all he’s got? In addition to his own cognitive decline.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member 4 days ago

    BITE ME S K! Trump will probably “wander” over to Biden’s mic after his own is shut off by moderator due to expired time limit. I’ll bet 2/1

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    zendog13la  4 days ago

    I wonder how well this is going to age…?

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    Victory  4 days ago

    Debate questions for trump:

    Can you name all Ten Commandments?

    Ok, can you name five of them?

    Wait, did you just say that the Second Amendment is one of the Ten Commandments?

    Do you know where Melania is right now?

    What is wrong with you?

    If a shark leaves Cleveland traveling east at 20 miles an hour, and a boat leaves New York traveling west at 40 miles an hour, how long before the battery in the boat causes it to sink?

    Here are two photos. which one is Nancy Pelosi and which is Nikki Haley?

    How does a bill become a law?

    How much does a bitcoin weigh?

    Is Frederick Douglass a real person? is he alive?

    John McCain. was he a sucker or a loser?

    The soldier who took your place in Vietnam. was he a sucker or a loser?

    Here are two photos. Which one is Ivana Trump and which one is E. Jean Carroll?

    If you lived too close to a windmill and you developed noise cancer, who would you want to treat you, Dr. Ronny Johnson (I mean) Jackson, or the guy who diagnosed your imaginary bone spurs?

    Here are some drawings of animals. Which one is the camel?

    Try again. Which one is the camel?

    Which is better at curing covid, Clorox or Lysol?

    No, seriously, what is wrong with you?

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    wildlandwaters  4 days ago

    or the ex-“president” wandering around on the stage, like he did with Clinton…

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    momochan  4 days ago

    I plan on listening to it on the radio with night of the living dead playing with the volume off.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 4 days ago

    HEY KELLEY – Trump is the “stage wanderer”. I often wonder if you believe your own claims or if you’re paid. The video of PRESIDENT Biden “wandering off” was edited. What’s YOUR excuse?

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    kennecwk  4 days ago

    The fact is neither of these men should be considered the ‘supreme leader’ (as the NK’s call Kim) and only one WANTS to be. The other is the head of the Executive branch and selects experts willing to speak truth to power to help him run it. Neither are running for ‘King’ and the entire package of how they have governed and who has been involved and effective in their respective administrations should be considered. I know that Trump spent a lot of time firing people (when they weren’t quitting) and Biden has had a lot more continuity in his administration. Because of that Biden has accomplished more good than bad while trump did the opposite.

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 days ago

    Another spew of right wing vomitus.

    President Biden didn’t “wander off” at the G7, but talked to the paratroopers, one by one. Which of course, was cropped out of the right-wing echo-chamber video,. This vile BS was also repeated ad nauseum by their sycophants, to be eagerly lapped up by the radicalized MAGAs. All while ignoring the never-ending, soul-sucking, nonsensical idiotic blather by the Chosen One.

    Meanwhile, their MAGA Messiah, besides frequently dozing in the courtroom during his CRIMINAL trial, nodded off a day ago during a NewsMax softball interview.

    Google trump nods off newsmax interview

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 days ago

    Moscow Mitc: “We only need an idiot with a pen.”

    And the FPOTUS exceeded all expectations.

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    Patjade  4 days ago

    SKelley pushes the deceptive Fox edits in a panicked attempt to cover for his syphilis-fueled Demetria-addled convict.

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    Rich Douglas  4 days ago

    Seeing that Biden didn’t wander off anywhere at anytime, I have to put this one in the “Senseless Propaganda” box.

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    nodjt  4 days ago

    Better to wander off than to wander off topic.

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    steveconkey2003  4 days ago

    Results are in…..We will see a new democrat candidate emerge at the convention.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 4 days ago

    @Steve Kelley – That is funny!

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  41. Roohey
    roohey  3 days ago

    Say goodnight Joe

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    gammaguy  3 days ago

    “I hope he doesn’t wander off stage.”

    So Kelley puts that lie in the mouth of one of his cartoon characters. The truth is that Kelley hoped that Biden would wander off stage, since it would have lent some credibility to Kelley’s other lies about Biden.

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  43. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  3 days ago

    Did you see how Jill had to stroke his ego and escort him off stage afterward? How can ANYONE think he is a great president?!

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    steveconkey2003  3 days ago

    The left set the bar low…..and he still failed miserably.

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