Let’s hope GC doesn’t yet consider this as an editorial strip and shut down comments.
GC should at least let us down vote some of those twisted lying right wing strips. They can now get away with their lies without them being pointed out.
Wow, they ARE allowing political comments on this one? Maybe they didn’t get the memo about Bolling being political. This one is brilliant, as usual, love his stuff.
Well, the country was set up as a republic for the deserving, understood at the time as meaning property-owning, upper class men.
We’ve done better at times, but now that money is legally equated with speech, I’m worried that the country is turning into an oligarchy. Trump likes the Putin model of governance; he welcomes an oligarchy as long as the oligarchs don’t give him trouble. But even Democrats now have to rely on the contributions of gazillionaires in order to fund their media campaigns.
Do remember that it was Mitch McConnell who had the major role in forming this court. The only thing Mitch cares about is that his party (whatever that may include) is top dog and that he is its leader.
Never forget that 6 of the Justices are merely carrying out the commands of our Billionaire-Investor class, as are the republican congresspersons in the House and Senate. It has been economic class warfare since the Reagan administration, and it picked up in intensity when Newt Gingrich told his House members to no longer cooperate with the Democrats. The B-I class has never gotten as close as they are now to achieving total power. “We’ve hired Trump” cries Leonard Leo.
It’d be nice if, instead of focusing on Trump, we focused on authoritarianism, because Harris has a history of that too. As do many other nominal Dems (consider e.g. Schumer).
Do anyone remember the ping-pong game that Thatcher and Reagan played against us? One of them would pioneer some injury to working people and tell lies until the screaming died down, and then it would get exported across the Atlantic where it would be adopted and “improved” before being exported back to England. Ping. Pong. Rinse and repeat. What makes anyone think they won’t do that again?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member 5 months ago
Let’s hope GC doesn’t yet consider this as an editorial strip and shut down comments.
GC should at least let us down vote some of those twisted lying right wing strips. They can now get away with their lies without them being pointed out.
Pickled Pete 5 months ago
Doesn’t seem like republicans really want to keep a republic..
braindead Premium Member 5 months ago
Magats love Roberts.
Because magats love corruption.
wrd2255 5 months ago
Wow, they ARE allowing political comments on this one? Maybe they didn’t get the memo about Bolling being political. This one is brilliant, as usual, love his stuff.
Decepticomic 5 months ago
Bean ’im.
Godfreydaniel 5 months ago
What a screwball…..We need a new term for “dictatorship of the judiciary.”
Teto85 Premium Member 5 months ago
Throw the bum out.
Jack7528 5 months ago
That isn’t Roberts, amazing what a few cases can do, there was a time the left was happy with him.
acevandriver 5 months ago
They got to do what Leonard Leo tells them or the Federalist Society will decline their membership.
ncorgbl 5 months ago
We don’t need a lot more umpires. We need a lot more Democrats in the House and Senate to impeach and remove the ones we have.
Linguist 5 months ago
Remember this: Of all of the Conservative Subprime Court Grudges, John Roberts is considerate a Moderate!
Fuzzy Kombu 5 months ago
Well, the country was set up as a republic for the deserving, understood at the time as meaning property-owning, upper class men.
We’ve done better at times, but now that money is legally equated with speech, I’m worried that the country is turning into an oligarchy. Trump likes the Putin model of governance; he welcomes an oligarchy as long as the oligarchs don’t give him trouble. But even Democrats now have to rely on the contributions of gazillionaires in order to fund their media campaigns.
eddi-TBH 5 months ago
Upholding the law is easier once you get rid of the ones you don’t want to uphold.
markkahler52 5 months ago
We free agents salute you!!
Mikeswolvesbane 5 months ago
Ah, chief justice John Roberts; with his tight little smile and power comb-over.
martens 5 months ago
Do remember that it was Mitch McConnell who had the major role in forming this court. The only thing Mitch cares about is that his party (whatever that may include) is top dog and that he is its leader.
carlosrivers 5 months ago
Like George Carlin said through his Biff Barf character…”I call it the way I see it, and if I can’t see it, I make it up”!
moosemin 5 months ago
Never forget that 6 of the Justices are merely carrying out the commands of our Billionaire-Investor class, as are the republican congresspersons in the House and Senate. It has been economic class warfare since the Reagan administration, and it picked up in intensity when Newt Gingrich told his House members to no longer cooperate with the Democrats. The B-I class has never gotten as close as they are now to achieving total power. “We’ve hired Trump” cries Leonard Leo.
Màiri 5 months ago
It’d be nice if, instead of focusing on Trump, we focused on authoritarianism, because Harris has a history of that too. As do many other nominal Dems (consider e.g. Schumer).
Do anyone remember the ping-pong game that Thatcher and Reagan played against us? One of them would pioneer some injury to working people and tell lies until the screaming died down, and then it would get exported across the Atlantic where it would be adopted and “improved” before being exported back to England. Ping. Pong. Rinse and repeat. What makes anyone think they won’t do that again?
markkahler52 5 months ago
You realize that we’re losing our Republic to BOTH parties — not just one or the other! Thomas Jefferson was RIGHT!
Redd Panda 5 months ago
Not a political comment
Worst part of the great comment inquisition of ‘24…I don’t have a chance to chat with the guys/gals as I used to.
If I said I was sorry and said a few Rosaries, could we have the comments back?
Sad Panda…sad face.
Not sure if “inquisition” is the word I’m lookin’ for?
trailzen51 5 months ago
Is it just my imagination, or have political cartoonists reduced their submissions to GoComics since the ban on comments?