If Janis gets ‘exited, happy, crazy, giddy, and stupid’ all at the same time, I would bet there will be a long pause in the house discussion. A tub filled with bubbles might be involved.
If Janis got her dream house and she didn’t have to concern herself about something that needs fixing, or had to worry about a dozen other things around the house, Arlo would take away her identity. Some people are addicted to worrying and finding things to be unhappy about just as some people are addicted to overeating, hoarding materials, surfing the web, etc., and she will not know what to do with herself if she is ever presented with such a lifestyle where worrying isn’t a large part of her day.
A lot of older couples are building houses near me. I know two of them personally and they are in their mid 70’s. One friend and his wife bought an Amish built house and now they are adding electricity and plumbing. That would be different.
Yeah… Right. Wasn’t there a strip a few moths back, with Janis on the phone with her daughter-in-law discussing how she had to convince Arlo that this move would be a good idea???? A woman’s prerogative to be fickle I guess!
It wouldn’t hurt to draw up plans for a dream home if you had the opportunity, see if it were within the range you could afford — except for the possibility of the excitement and all that making you rationalize spending more than that.
We remodelled and renovated a big old house I inherited and bought out from the other beneficiaries of the will. The Mrs wanted a studio where she could work undisturbed. I talked with the architect and we had a kitchenette and ½ bath put into her studio without her knowledge and she was beside herself with joy and happiness. And before anyone asks, it was the most important ½ of the bathroom. (In many countries of the world the toilet and maybe a sink are in a separate room from the shower/tub)
And then reality hits like a bomb! This is really going to be a chore to pull this off. Put another steak on the barby, pour me a beer and we’ll stay right here.
It took us about 2 weeks of moving stuff – plus then having a moving company for the big stuff to move to this house from our small apartment which was less than half a mile away.
That was over 30 years ago – think about how much stuff we have added. Would he sell his woodshop tools (aka our garage currently) or bring them with us? How much other stuff would we take and how much get rid of? We both are big readers – so we have about 10-12 equivalent 6ft tall book cases filled with books – some doubled on the shelves – to bring with us. When we moved and had maybe 1/4 or less books of what we have now one man from the moving company spent the entire time in the house just moving the books in.
Plus this is HOME. It is the third place I have lived (the others with my family) and I really don’t want to leave. Also if we move there will be no one from either of our families there to help as we continue to age.
But if in the end at some point he insists – after I invoke HIS “Meryl is always right” rule we will move.
Rhetorical_Question 3 months ago
Janis is focused on not getting excited?
Da'Dad 3 months ago
Don’t think Reason has much of a chance when Excited Happy Crazy Giddy and Stupid show up.
AnneFackler 3 months ago
When did happiness become overrated?
Charliegirl Premium Member 3 months ago
She’d get all of that and then when it’s too late, she’d regret all the time, money, and work it would involve. Ask me how I know, lol.
cracker65 3 months ago
They are a bit old to take on a project like this.
DorothyGlenn Premium Member 3 months ago
Or you grab the ring and half way through someone can’t remember what you were talking about five minutes before.
Cactus Jack Fan 3 months ago
Hey voice of reason, your the one who started this whole thing!
ddl297 3 months ago
“Dream house”. Hmm! Self-cleaning, three minutes from the kids’ place, free!
Superhawk 3 months ago
If Janis gets ‘exited, happy, crazy, giddy, and stupid’ all at the same time, I would bet there will be a long pause in the house discussion. A tub filled with bubbles might be involved.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member 3 months ago
Dreams can become reality! Keep going, guys. You’ll find the answers!
[Traveler] Premium Member 3 months ago
Many times, people have a “dream” house in their minds and build it only to find out that it sounded better than it works out to be.
labradogg 3 months ago
Can Janis be more of a drag? Tune in tomorrow, she won’t disappoint!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 3 months ago
Beware happiness.
You might get stuck in that mode.
SpacedInvader Premium Member 3 months ago
@cracker65, age isn’t the problem. The contractor, builder and labor are the problem. As well as the weather.
MLBachorik 3 months ago
Building a house can be hell. I’m with Janice on this one.
DawnQuinn1 3 months ago
This is looking like the “neverending story”
BJDucer 3 months ago
If Janis got her dream house and she didn’t have to concern herself about something that needs fixing, or had to worry about a dozen other things around the house, Arlo would take away her identity. Some people are addicted to worrying and finding things to be unhappy about just as some people are addicted to overeating, hoarding materials, surfing the web, etc., and she will not know what to do with herself if she is ever presented with such a lifestyle where worrying isn’t a large part of her day.
Chris 3 months ago
a voice of reason… or hoping not to go crazy? :J
mountainclimber 3 months ago
Never use logic against someone who is unarmed.
mobeydick 3 months ago
And decisions. Endless decisions. What type of this, what colour that, how big the other….. All with no ‘right’ answer.
StoicLion1973 3 months ago
Ugh, I’m done with this storyline. What is Ludgwig doing?
Rich Hansen Premium Member 3 months ago
At this point, I’m just hoping for a house fire. Anything to end this interminable storyline.
Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 3 months ago
Deja vu. Weren’t we here six years ago?
MuddyUSA Premium Member 3 months ago
Atta girl Janis…..
SnuffyG 3 months ago
A lot of older couples are building houses near me. I know two of them personally and they are in their mid 70’s. One friend and his wife bought an Amish built house and now they are adding electricity and plumbing. That would be different.
RonMcCalip 3 months ago
Yeah… Right. Wasn’t there a strip a few moths back, with Janis on the phone with her daughter-in-law discussing how she had to convince Arlo that this move would be a good idea???? A woman’s prerogative to be fickle I guess!
All Dan All Day Premium Member 3 months ago
Just-me 3 months ago
Even in a custom built dream house there will have to be some compromise.
DaBump Premium Member 3 months ago
It wouldn’t hurt to draw up plans for a dream home if you had the opportunity, see if it were within the range you could afford — except for the possibility of the excitement and all that making you rationalize spending more than that.
franish2bzn 3 months ago
And there’s always something that you don’t think of until later. Dream or nightmare?
Teto85 Premium Member 3 months ago
We remodelled and renovated a big old house I inherited and bought out from the other beneficiaries of the will. The Mrs wanted a studio where she could work undisturbed. I talked with the architect and we had a kitchenette and ½ bath put into her studio without her knowledge and she was beside herself with joy and happiness. And before anyone asks, it was the most important ½ of the bathroom. (In many countries of the world the toilet and maybe a sink are in a separate room from the shower/tub)
scinticat 3 months ago
Good grief. Does JJ plan to drag this out until year’s end? Maybe he’s painted himself into a corner and doesn’t know how to get out.
denirwin Premium Member 3 months ago
Make a list of wants / don’t wants & look for what is available that hits most in your price range, where you want it.
scinticat 3 months ago
Remodeling much less painful than new build at their age. Janis’ feet get colder every day.
berengar 3 months ago
Ah yes, six of the seven other brothers of the Seven Dwarves. Don’t forget Psycho.
vacman 3 months ago
Since when has SHE been the voice of reason?
dale_buck66062 3 months ago
Hate to admit it, but I’m really getting tired of this story arc.
sincavage05 3 months ago
And then reality hits like a bomb! This is really going to be a chore to pull this off. Put another steak on the barby, pour me a beer and we’ll stay right here.
bobtoledo Premium Member 3 months ago
Know thyself!
radar15627 3 months ago
good job Lisa
mafastore 3 months ago
It took us about 2 weeks of moving stuff – plus then having a moving company for the big stuff to move to this house from our small apartment which was less than half a mile away.
That was over 30 years ago – think about how much stuff we have added. Would he sell his woodshop tools (aka our garage currently) or bring them with us? How much other stuff would we take and how much get rid of? We both are big readers – so we have about 10-12 equivalent 6ft tall book cases filled with books – some doubled on the shelves – to bring with us. When we moved and had maybe 1/4 or less books of what we have now one man from the moving company spent the entire time in the house just moving the books in.
Plus this is HOME. It is the third place I have lived (the others with my family) and I really don’t want to leave. Also if we move there will be no one from either of our families there to help as we continue to age.
But if in the end at some point he insists – after I invoke HIS “Meryl is always right” rule we will move.
wschott 3 months ago
Arlo would like a clear plexiglass bath tub…